Saturday, March 7, 2020

Stable genius or unstable idiot? (#4053)

     Let us consider the facts. That trump says that he is a stable genius without providing any proof is in itself questionable. I can say I am a stable genius, not that I would ever consider myself a genius, without providing proof and it wouldn't make me one, so neither does it trump. He won't release his school records which could confirm if he was at least a budding genius but no he will not. Another strike against him being stable or genius. He says he never tells a lie which in the public record there are at least 16 thousand lies or not truths that have come from his poisonous innards. He has only worked toward destroying our democratic social order, not contributed to it so there is another failing from him.
     He calls those whom he disagrees with schoolyard names that are more in line with a broken grammar school level education than anything that is genius. He can never give a precise reason for his beliefs yet he demands that we accept them regardless. The evidence keeps piling up on the side of an unstable idiot with no counter balancing of anything that is of a stable genius paradigm. He tells us what is good for us without knowing anything about who we are. He accepts in his own mind that he is some type of demigod who has dominion over those of us who are not born to bully or be cruel and brutish.
     What is even more telling is that to watch him struggle to understand that people don't want to be harmed. He has an inner unquestionable belief that we want him to punish us for something he sees as we deserve. All of this to say that his mind is incapable of capturing the panoramic nuances of societal life is obvious. he sees what he wants to see regardless of fact or truth and he demands that we adore him for his courtesy toward us. His condescension is a way of showing us his love and damn us for not understanding that! The mere privilege it is for all of us to be alive while he is alive, is not lost on him. Maybe he thinks he is more than a demigod and more like an actual god. Yet no god does exist so neither does his tortured concepts of him as a stable genius.

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