Friday, March 13, 2020

No stopping the election (#4059)

      As it is now trump is in the shit. His Coronavirus response has been abysmal and testing for it was hampered 2 years ago when he cut funding for the Center for Disease Control while dismantling the pandemic management team. So while the stock market is in free fall and our nation is forced to isolate ourselves, both commerce and sports are taking a big hit. This on top of all the shit trump has pulled to this point since the beginning of his appointed presidency. As is obvious by the democratic turnout in the primary election so far and what happened in the 2018 election a blue wave of resistance is still building to sweep him out of office.
     So his options look bleak. He can lie and misinform all he wants but too many of us are already past listening to him and his drug addicted performances. He has no foundation other than his cult followers who are now second guessing their allegiance to him given that he is losing them money hand over fist and putting their lives in danger with a pathetic response to an infectious grave global crisis. Maybe worse of all to many is the now cancellation and suspension of major sporting events. Too many regular folks lose themselves from reality in our national pastimes of competitive sports. That is gone now and people are left with a sobering reality.
     So what is trump to do? Well he could resign and let the rest of us fix his mess but that is not going to happen. He could try to avoid the coming election by postponing or cancelling it in order to preserve his not being tried in many courts for many crimes when he loses. My best guess is that he will try to postpone the election indefinitely in order to keep his power. This will not sit well with the rational among us but may be enough to keep his base confused. It would be uncharted territory since there is no provision in our constitution that gives the executive branch the right to stop elections. It could be possible if Congress gave him the right but Speaker Pelosi and the democratic majority in the House would never do that.

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