Saturday, March 21, 2020

Rock and Roll! (#4067)

     Enjoying some good old classics from my youth and let me tell you it is as soothing an experience I could ever have been gifted with. The turmoil of our youth is salved by the magic of our music. Just as the times now should be creating magical sounds of protest and enlightenment much like our generation did. The saving grace of struggle is the triumph of our voice to hope and music is the closest thing we have to expressing it. Our words are not magnificent in most cases but when mixed with a soul lifting orchestration of music we find that infinity isn't long enough to contain the majesty of the sound and truth.
     Rock and Roll has always been like that for me from some of the simplest 3 chord progressions to outlandish outside the box machinations like Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. The enduring sounds and words in conjunction juxtapose a fantasy that is full of reality. The greater part of the inner peace I feel happens naturally when the sounds of the instruments rush to their fullness. The singing vocals and the ringing of the guitar strings with the rapid interchange of the drums and the bass holding them together in a well kept rhythm along with all other accompaniments. Rock and Roll is a special sound that not only vibrates deep into our soul but it also elevates us above the mundane.
     Every Rock and Roll concert I have been to has always left me drained and wanting more. As if the end of the show is such a depressing thought. Can't the show go on forever? This is Rock and Roll to me. The best part of life is filled with music that has always been in the background of every stage of my life. If not for Rock and Roll I suppose my life would be much more ordinary and less exciting. Again, our music was born out of many frustrations of inadequacies. We knew what was good in the world and we saw that those who could change life for the better were not doing so. So we rebelled and put to sound our defense of what is right and good and our anger at those who would deny it.

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