Tuesday, October 20, 2020

14 days left until the election (#4280)

      2 weeks is all that is left of the most horrendous president this nation has had to endure in the modern times. He won't be done with his reign until January 20th 2021 but he will be made to be inconsequential on November 3rd, 2020. On January 3rd, 2020 the new Congress is sworn in and that will be the beginning of trump's descent into oblivion. What awaits him after January 20th is still questionable, but it won't have anything to do with our national government. 14 days is all he has left of his appointed presidency to himself. After those 14 days he will know that Joe Biden is also a president of the United states but for those next 78 days, although Joe will only be the president elect.
     How will trump handle having another president taking his place before he could continue with a second term? They say if trump loses this race, which is tilting against him, then he would run again in 2024. Well I think by then trump will have other problems to deal with like all the lawsuits and criminal proceedings he has entangled himself in. The likelihood of trump being available to run again in 2024 is less likely than his daughter or son being the candidate for republicans in 2024. Pretty much zero in my estimation. His brand has been one of smoke and mirrors but that time has come and gone. He will be made to answer for the charges against him and for that our society will be spared any more of his greed, hatred, and selfishness.
     I don't know if we could have gotten to a place like we are without having to have suffered as we have even if Hillary had been named the president. The absolute disdain our society now holds against the republican party is so great that we democrats have a once in a lifetime chance to change the dynamics of our society and our politics. So maybe the likes of trump is what we had to endure in order to get to this moment where the ills of our society will be at our fingertips to heal. No more obstruction from republicans in either our government nor our courts if what is about to happen actually does. I wouldn't wish these past four years on anyone but since they are 14 days from being behind us then we must make the most of it.

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