Thursday, October 15, 2020

19 days left until the election (#4275)

      On the morning of blog post 4294 we will be at election day. So 19 more days and then we get to make history once again by electing not only Joe Biden our president but Kamala Harris our first African/Asian woman vice president. The steamroll to victory, or as we all know it as, the blue wave tsunami, is coming! In 19 days we will finally be done with the mistaken presidency of trump and all his hangers-ons will also leave with him. There will be no doubt as to Joe's victory so any last minute whining from trump will be of no avail. With more than 15 million votes already in the hands of elections officials from a large majority democratic and independent voters the sense is that Joe and Kamala are leading by a large percentage of these early votes.
     Now there will be a republican pushback on election day with in person voting for those who support trump but my sense is that we democrats will also do well on in person voting on election day. Meanwhile we keep racking up sensical advantages. There is one thing I can't seem to shake this morning and that is that the supreme court seat being nominated is not a done deal. Now I know they passed her out of graham's committee but the full senate must vote her in with at least 50 senators saying yes. But as it becomes clearer that she is a woeful candidate for the court and the remaining senators after this election who vote for her will wear that tag come their next elections.
     Anyway, I see a glimmer of hope that they will not readily pass her confirmation in the full senate if they perceive their own seats will be lost because of her. We will see and it may be last minute wishful thinking on my part but there will be a cost/benefit analysis on their vote and with new democratic control of all things legislative and executive I would hope that the more sensible republicans left in the senate would be wise to not give her a yes vote. Anyway, back to those of us who have already voted and those of us who are standing in long lines I say that the will of the American people is being expressed and any who stand in our way will surely find themselves on their backsides!

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