Friday, October 9, 2020

25 days left until the election (#4269)

      Back when there were over 1000 days left until the next presidential election the only real hope I had to grasp onto was the midterm election. Even then that was hundreds of days away. Yet as each day ticked off the calendar I kept my hope alive by reminding myself that to overcome the tragedy of trump I had to keep fighting against the policies and hatred he provided. I could never give up and accept his betrayal to democracy. So each day became another grind in the absence of continuity and happiness. But that is what it is like to be underneath a heavy weight that will not be moved. However, a blue wave tsunami is coming and that heavy weight will be shifting off of us in 25 days.
     Yes, we will have 78 days more to exist in the lame duck period with trump as our appointed president, but his power will have begun to be neutered. I would like to think that those over a thousand days ago had just zipped by but they didn't. Each one was a hardship that seemed to defy time. Yet here we are and for that I am beginning to feel existential again. Like my whole life is again out in front of me despite my age and loss of some physical ability. My happiness is still on hold somewhat but the lips on my face are slowly rising up into a smile. I know that these last 25 days will not be easy but they will pass soon and then we are into an era where the best of who we are will build a new promising foundation.
     This election as it is right now seems to be one sided with Joe Biden commanding all the polling and trump doing himself no favors by railing against the normalcy of things and not helping anyone who is struggling with the pandemic. It is excruciating to watch but it is what it is correct trump? However these last 25 days play out the voting has already begun with over 6 million votes already cast. If there were going to be some incredible intervention to change the hearts and minds of our electorate it is very late in the process to be of great help. This election is coming to it's end in 25 days and if things stay relatively the same over that time then we will be calling Joe, Mr. President.

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