Friday, October 2, 2020

32 days left until the election (#4262)

      The big news from last night/this morning is that trump has the virus. It seems only fair since he didn't protect himself and others like he should have. Actions have consequences and his are in line with his actions. Now at first I was happy that he finally is going to realize that the virus is real and scary. Although I think he deserves his predicament I also am a good and kind person. However, when someone like him allowed the deaths of over 200,000 souls that otherwise could have been prevented had he taken the virus seriously it is hard not to be comforted by his current predicament.
     I will not enable people like him who think they can skirt the laws and traditions of civilized behavior for their own gain and then find forgiveness at the worst turn for themselves. I do forgive but not until I see rehabilitation and punishment applied in fair amounts. If I forgave trump his selfishness toward applying cruelty what is to stop the next person from doing the same thing? A deterrence must be in place in order to modify this type of behavior trump has coddled over these many years of being the appointed president. My own personal feelings about him aside, he does get no kindness from me. If somehow over some lengthy period of time he does revert to normal and acceptable behavior I can then find room to forgive him his deathly past.
     There are more than 200,000 people whose lives are lost who cannot do anything and for that trump holds the guilt. Having a couple of hours to calm down from my initial karmic reaction I do hope that his bout with Covid-19 is not fatal. But he will have some effect of it having contracted it. So maybe now he will understand the need for helping Americans through this crisis with more than just an admonition to get back to work while being at risk of infection. Every life is of value and no life should be discounted under normal circumstances. Having said that there are times when the life of some so conflict and abuse the lives of others that they cannot hold the same equality of protections that they otherwise should so if trump dies from this I will not shed a tear nor dance in the streets, but I will remain solemn over all the deaths that didn't need to happen.

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