Sunday, October 11, 2020

23 days left until the election (#4271)

      Like whether un in North Korea is dead or alive, trump is also hiding whether he has tested negative for Covid-19. The playbook trump is like his dictator buddies. Even the taliban are rooting for trump because they share common themes. Like religious leaders running our government and less personal freedoms. It is amazing to me that our non college educated sector is so uninformed as to why they choose to keep following the madman. He wants to hurt them but that isn't what they see. They for one thing don't even know what is in our national constitution so have no idea how trump is destroying it. I doubt that all of them vote because if they did they would be subject to jury duty and that wouldn't sit well with them since many of them probably have something illegal in their past that they are trying to hide.
     The ones that do vote are fanatics to some degree who belittle society as a mockery and feel like they need free reign to master those around them. A psychosis of some form that has to do with their own lack of self worth. It is this group that has little to no education of value that is trumpeting the madman more than any other. Their reckoning of education as being unnecessary, equating it with who needs education when they are having limited financial success. Why do I need to know all the things I never use is an often spouted refrain. Their laziness at even trying to know more than they do is either fueled by a lack of ambition or a hatred of hard work. Either way they will not stop supporting the madman because he doesn't expect anything of them except to be his henchmen when the opportunity arises.
     Their numbers are not huge but their voices are loud. No need to fear them but there is a need to fight against them. Best fighting is done at the ballot box with all democrats marked for choice. Because if there is one thing we have learned under trump, it is that the republican party is complicit with him so when trump goes so do his acolytes need to go. These non college and high school less educated white men are a problem as they are not going to disappear after the election so some policy that addresses them to deter, rehabilitate or punish must be advanced. Ignorance is their commonality so education, the thing they despise, must be part of what brings them to a cure.

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