Monday, October 26, 2020

8 days left until the election (#4286)

     This is the last full week before the election. If anything crazy were to happen it would be during this week. This is also the last full week of early voting and all states that participate will be collecting ballots. It will be interesting to see how many who will show up on election day after this historic early voting period. I had hoped that about 100 million of us would have early voted but the numbers are not coming in like I had hoped over the weekend. Yet there still could be a surge of early voters that get us close to that never before attained benchmark. Either way it is just amazing how many have taken advantage of the opportunity to get our votes banked.
     With 8 days to go I am also feeling a bit light on my feet. As if I am expecting a good thing about to happen. Yes, I do expect at this point we democrats will have a good evening on November 3rd. What I don't know is if it will be a great evening. The senate appears to be on it's way to flipping over to we democrats and then again it will by either a small margin or a bigger margin. Depending on the percentage of democrats and independents who vote straight blue ticket. There has not been much push back these days about voting straight ticket and that is what may well make election day evening great. But I must not get caught up in our blue wave enthusiasm just yet.
     There is much work to be done before election day arrives so we need to focus on getting our vote out and trying to convert fence sitters, such as there are any left at this point. But the opportunity is there for us set up by many courageous and dedicated democracy lovers. I have never been more proud of our democratic party for it's coming together and working with a patience and precision to elect democrats and like minded independents to elective office. This election will go down in history as one of the most exciting and pivotal in regards to if America is to survive a home grown and foreign helped decay that would infect and endanger the very lives of our citizenry.

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