Wednesday, October 28, 2020

6 days left until the election (#4288)

      Yes that is 6 days, 144 hours left for us to do what we have wanted to do for the last 4 years. I for one am so ready for this time to pass as quickly as possible and the only thing I want to see done before then is for all of us to vote. I have no doubt that more of us want trump and his acolytes gone than don't but the only civilized way we have is for us to vote him out. Much better and less deadly than armed insurrection against an illegitimate government authority. We Americans have the best democracy on Earth and you know how I know that? Because all other democracies on our planet emulate our national constitution.
     Not one of the new democracies has a better constitution than ours. We are the standard, although we can be improved upon. Which is exactly what we must do once we end the malicious reign of trump. Never again can the same dynamics play out that led to the appointment of trump nor shrub either. Our popular vote has to be the deciding factor in all elections going forward. The time of the majority being ruled by the minority must end with this election. There are other matters that must also be addressed but our manner of electing must be right there with any other top priority. The worst of what happens to our nation has come when a president has been appointed instead of elected.
     In 144 hours we will begin to vote on the last day of voting and trump will begin his lame duck period. The time when stated in hours really does bring home to me the closeness to the time when our agony begins to stop. We will have 78 more days of trump until Joe and Kamala are sworn in but just knowing that trump will be no longer in our futures makes for an easier endurance of his volatile behavior. There will be no more waking up on a Wednesday morning knowing that trump has a shot at a second term. I know that is a jinx worthy statement but I am not much into superstition when so much is based upon the reality of our voting and the voting is happening in incredible numbers.

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