Saturday, October 17, 2020

17 days left until the election (#4277)

      As the last few days click off the calendar more millions are early voting. The last number I saw last night was 22.2 million ballots have been turned in with a few states not ready to send numbers to the total. So at least that many already with about 15 states about to begin early voting and we still have 17 days left for early voting. There are far more citizens ready to vote this year as opposed to 2016. In fact we are expecting historic numbers of voters on par with the 2008 election of Barack Obama. Many of the early votes are presumed to be democratic since they were turned in by democratic party members. But early voting is not a talisman for the future, it is just early voting.
     So we take the good news of an early lead with some caution. We need to keep voting right up until the last minute of election day to make sure our early lead can withstand the trump barrage of voters on election day. I sense that the republican voting block is not as concerned about their candidate as we are of ours. We have much too lose if Joe Biden is not elected whereas the trump voter, unless it is his hard core base, is not as enthusiastic about him remaining in office. Yet knowing that there are still enough concerns for our election, the more votes we get to defeating trump the better it will be to get him out without him throwing our election into disarray if he loses by a close margin.
     We need our base and our first time voters, along with a large majority of Independents to vote for Joe. the Independent affiliation has the most members of any political group by far so winning over independents is crucial and a high priority. I like our chances but remain concerned enough to make sure all efforts are being given to getting our voters to the voting booth. Still there is republican obstruction to deal with but with the 17 days time we have we can overcome the republican anti democratic agenda. I still hope for a crushing blue wave tsunami and in my heart know it is coming but my head tells me that all efforts to the very last minute of voting must be our path forward if we are going to have a very good day on November 4th, 2020.

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