Monday, October 12, 2020

22 days left until the election (#4272)

      I have to focus my mind on other things than politics today as the republican controlled senate is bastardizing Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat. So other interests will occupy my day as I can't stomach the hypocrisy republicans are employing. Nothing new really but this one hurts. However there is a remedy after the election if things go accordingly. Joe Biden will win and control of the Senate will flip to we democrats. The House will stay in our hands and will as well increase in our majority. Yet the real power will be with Joe as he decides to increase the size of the sitting court to at least 13 justices. With a 6-3 republican majority once the sham justice of now gets Ruth's seat, we need to add four more liberal justices to countermand any possible republican attempts to interdict into our legislative dominance in the coming years.
     Joe is being as silent about court packing right now as he can be in order to keep republicans from using his presumptive decision to fuel their base. But make no mistake, we democrats are going to do everything legal we can to nullify the republican attempt to hijack our democracy. I would prefer the court go to 15 members and that may be a legitimate option. Yet 13 at minimum will take care of the current disadvantage. We cannot stop the coming nomination of the horrible trump pick but we can negate it after the inauguration in a series of quickly orchestrated moves. Removing the legislative filibuster, adding to the courts as quickly as possible will allow us to get s stimulus package together that is now long overdue while ensuring all legislation going forward cannot be struck down by a partisan Supreme Court.
     There are 22 days left until the election so the main job of all of us is to get registered where still possible and then vote for all democrats on our ballots, both federal and state. I know that this current gut punch from republicans will pass but the anger I feel inside me for them doing this is nearly impossible to overcome. The republican party will be charged a heavy price for their selfish and reckless nature and the price will be too much for them to pay. So the end of the republican party will be marked by them welching on the supreme court decision today when they refused to adhere to the same standard under President Obama. Nothing republicans do is of honor or principle. So out they go to the trash bin of history!

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