Thursday, October 29, 2020

5 days left until the election (#4289)

     120 hours until we begin the end of trump. From an appointed president trump, to an elected one, Joe Biden. I have to keep my neck above all the fraying at the edges trumps are perpetrating on us and focus clearly on getting people to realize just how important this election is. It isn't my job to do that but it is my duty to the democracy that I love. Never in the history of our human existence has a concept like democracy proven to be so effective a governmental ideal if protected and improved. So for me to do all I can to make sure we keep it intact is the minimum of which I expect of myself. I try through my advocacy and never relenting enthusiasm for the better or best of our natures.
     The only way to express the true worth of a thing is to live it and glory in it. Our democracy is such a thing and will be threatened if we don't protect it right now. The trumps are all in on taking it from us because their actions and behaviors are threatened by democracy. So unless they can keep power and then dismantle our democracy they will suffer for their choices. So we must make them suffer for their choices as the effect of their wrongful deeds that take from us without our consent. They would take our uplifting of all and replace it with uplifting only a few. It is anti-democracy that they are hoping to install and if we let them then we are all fools.
     I am getting toward the end of my life so the effect on me is not as great as those who are just starting out in life. Which should motivate younger citizens to fight all the more to protect our democracy. I will fight as well as if I am a young man who is outraged! But many who are lazy and too distracted to know the danger this time presents will need to be shown the error of their ways. Nothing in life at all! I mean nothing in life at all is of more importance than protecting our democracy. We are not quitters nor cowards who love our democracy. We are fighters who will not quit at any bribe or coercion. The trumps of this world need to be stopped and in 5 days we will do just that!

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