Saturday, October 3, 2020

31 days left until the election (#4263)

      Not so much about the election at this time as we are marking time watching the Covid-19 virus spread throughout the White House taking it's toll. There are more to follow as tests are checked and double checked. With so many republicans leaving themselves vulnerable to the virus it is no wonder that it finally caught up with them. It was like they thought they were immune to the virus. Which is quite irrational considering that no one is immune to the virus not even those who have had it before. The trouble is that the virus can mutate and keep it's existence from being subdued. You have to think of the virus as a living entity with a will to survive much like our own human will to survive.
     Yet the republican party for the most part has been playing russian roulette with the virus and the virus is winning. The trump diagnosis at this moment is at best guarded but there is a real chance that given trump's penchant for not staying in shape and his preexisting conditions are proving to be troublesome as to avoiding the worst the virus can accomplish within him. What is ironic is that trump is in a lawsuit in the courts to eliminate preexisting conditions. Thus attempting to make preexisting conditions a burdensome cost factor when applying for health coverage from private insurers. It is a good thing he has government health insurance as he would himself be forced to pay out of pocket because of his affliction.
     It has always been with him that he expects preferential treatment while denying that same treatment to others. A sense of entitlement and privilege he carries with him as a given for himself. I won't dump on him now that he is in dire straights but I will keep talking about the facts of his policies and how that affects the many rest of us. He was on the verge of being thrust from office in 31 days and even though he is off the campaign trail with his affliction the cruel and dishonorable policies he has stood by are still affecting us and continue to do so regardless of his current status. He must be defeated and along with him his republican allies who have made our lives as miserable as he has made too many of us.

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