Saturday, October 10, 2020

24 days left until the election (#4270)

      24 days left until election day with about half the states early voting and nearly 10 million votes already cast. We are in it folks and although trump thinks he has some little time left to change the inevitable outcome he is dreaming! The votes are coming in fast and furious and it is we democrats and independents who are casting them by a large margin. Even with trump expecting a big turnout on election day the news keeps getting worse for him as his party is beginning to distance themselves from him. The turnout on election day will not be large for him because many will think to themselves that he has lost and won't bother to venture out into Covid-19 land just to cast a losing ballot. His base is old and easily manipulated so expect them to follow the path of least resistance and turn the page on trump.
     The Senate is going to switch parties as well by a surprising amount so that isn't going to influence many of his base to show up at the polls and the House will also lose more republican seats this cycle so there is another reason for the republican leaning voters to stay home. This election is on it's way to being over and the outcome will be that Joe Biden will be our next elected president, not appointed one like trump. It is just as well deserved that republicans are getting booted out of government at all levels because of their hatred for the working middle poor class. We have had to endure their love for the wealthy to a point of fanaticism and it is time for it to end!
     24 days left is like a dream for me and it is a sweet dream. The days are flying past now and that is a beautiful thing. From way back when it started to now has been a most excruciating journey. But we survived which is now better odds than trump surviving, literally with his contraction of the virus as proof. We who are the backbone of our civilized nation need to have a new fresh breath of air and it will be coming shortly. The stench of trumpism over these last 4 years has been enough for any of us, which is why our electorate is turning it's back on the republican party. They had their chance to lead and all they did was punish. Their time is coming to an end and it is happening right now!

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