Thursday, October 1, 2020

33 days left until the election (#4261)

      We begin the last full month before the election. Although many states are already voting, October is the last month of days we have to get through until November and it's 3rd day where every state will be voting. As of now still some states have no early voting and that is the effect of voter suppression. Even some states that only have a few early days to vote are the effect of voter suppression. Ask yourself why would anyone not want all of Americans to participate in our nation's direction? Because the republican party has their own agenda and it does not include all Americans, actually does not include most Americans! Which is why all of us need to make sure we have a voting plan and then successfully execute that plan.
     We here in California begin our early voting in 4 days, 29 days before the election. With around 21 million citizens registered to vote as of last July, we here in California are the motherlode of voters. As our state has shifted to the democratic party in an overwhelming way we should see far greater turnout this year as we have had to endure the trump barrage of disrespect for the last nearly 4 years. Not that Joe Biden is not a good man with great policies for our nation, but the downright disgust we have for trump is at levels that have us motivated to our very genetic makeup to end his reign over our forced misery!
     As we here in California are done with trump so is the rest of our nation for the most part. There are still pockets of ignorance that will never let the truth of things enter into their reasoning and that is not a good thing for our democracy. Yet the trouble with our education system is not our greatest concern at the moment. The greatest concern is our Democracy and holding onto it from the clutches of trump and his agenda to crush it into an authoritarian putin like regime. What this reality has done to the red states usual voting patterns is turn them upside down. Now with many usually reliable red states in play we democrats are excited to see just how purplish blue those red states can become.

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