Saturday, October 31, 2020

3 days left until the election (#4291)

      If the republican party thinks that they can disallow millions of ballots due to their voting obstruction agenda then they will find that we the people won't let them. They can try to add some authority to their nefarious attempts but we will not allow them to delegitimize our right to vote. Authority is gained through trust and if trust is taken away then the backlash to that is chaos. We the people will not sit idly by while a handful of power hungry individuals hijack our democracy. I do not expect things to get to that point but let it be known that those who try will face consequences that are far more severe than ridicule.
     We have 72 hours left until we wake up and begin the last full day of voting across America. The early vote total for this morning is nearly 90 million, 65% of the total votes cast in 2016. Which is still shattering the record from 4 years ago which was around 58 million early votes. We are still early voting so we could possibly get to 100 million but that would be amazing if it happened. I would not be shocked now at all if we had over 170 million total votes for this election which would be 32 million more than the about 138 million that voted in 2016. All indications are is that 170 million might not even be the ceiling but we will see about that. The voters who have voted and who are going to vote do not want a trump disruption that nullifies our votes.
     So we must make sure that when we do vote we not only vote straight blue ticket for our democrats, even our allies in other parties/no party should vote straight blue, but that we leave no vote behind. So get your vote in however you have to do it regardless of circumstance because the republican party is trying desperately to keep our votes from being delivered and counted. The mail option is probably not a good idea anymore so hand deliver however you have to to get your ballot secure with election officials in your jurisdiction. There is no time to waste if you are early voting so have a plan that supersedes all other things in your life for whatever time frame is required to make your voice heard through our elections. Good luck to all of us who are determined to keep democracy above the greed and selfishness of the republican party!

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