Wednesday, October 7, 2020

27 days left until the election (#4267)

      Got my ballot in the mail yesterday. I have been waiting for this on edge for nearly 4 years and yesterday it happened. If you remember the movie "The Jerk" there was this one scene where Steve Martin gets excitedly happy and says "The new phone books here, the new phone books here". That is how I felt when I went to my mail box and got my ballot. I didn't waste much time either filling it out. I had already gone through the voter guide pamphlet and preselected my choices on the propositions and measures so voting for my slate of democratic candidates and yea or nay on the propositions and measures was easy and quick. Making sure that I signed and dated the outside of my ballot envelope I sealed it up and it is sitting aside for delivery today. No postage required here in California.
     On November 8th 4 years ago I had no idea if I would survive long enough to be able to cast my ballot in this years election. I have always been a lifelong democrat who got his Bachelors degree from the University of Washington majoring in Political science. This has been my passion, understanding the nuances of politics as well as defining my principles within the liberal/progressive policy arena. I am no genius nor critically acclaimed personality but in my own little world have a grasp of how democracy should work for all. So naturally I would rail against trump when he was elected as I knew his mission for his administration would be to harm more than help.
     Knowing that trump has a disdain for those who don't agree with him it was logical for me to assume he would go after those who didn't toe his personal party lines. Look at what he did to the opposition he had within the republican party and see how they fearfully pretzeled themselves into being his supporters. But I am no shrinking violet when it comes to standing up for my values and principles. I am no perfect example but I am no no trump apologist either. So that others and I like me made it to this point without gestapo like tactics being deployed against us is no minor accomplishment. I can relax only a bit though because getting my ballot filled out is only one step of two, the other is getting it verified to having arrived at the election office safely and secure.

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