Monday, October 19, 2020

15 days left until the election (#4279)

      Okay, it is getting close isn't it? Everyday seems a bit shorter as we close in on the end of the reign of trump. I say that not as a way to jinx the Biden campaign but as a confident voter who has had way too much of trump. My confidence notwithstanding there is evidence to buttress it. The early voting numbers are exponential in their difference between now and 4 years ago. Today there are more than 28 million votes already cast and this is October 19th. On October 21st in 2016 only 4 million votes were collected. Now I can't say who all these votes are for this year but the vast majority of them come from democratic and independent voters. This year the likelihood of democrats voting for trump is insignificant whereas the likelihood of republicans voting for Biden is much higher.
     Anyway, my confidence isn't brimming or even a bit arrogant. My confidence is resolute in that I have but one single focus this year and it is to make sure that I do what I can to make trump go away. Where he goes is up to other factors but him going away from our politics is my mission. I have no time at all for doubts or second guesses, I am angry and that anger isn't subsiding. 15 days is nothing compared to the over a 1300 we have had to endure him. So regardless of the gut punch stolen court seat of Ruth's, I will keep my confidence in tact and push forward to make my best effort. As should all of us. We have one purpose on this planet at this time and nothing is of any value unless we vote. Vote first and then do all those things you can to help others vote.
     Voting is our weapon and the battle has already begun. I expect between 150-170 million of us to vote and the majority of us will be voting for Joe Biden. Of that I have no doubt. The battleground states will be watched closely and there is always the chance that this race could be close in them but I see too much daylight between what trump may do and what Joe will do. With 15 days left there is little trump can conjure from his acolytes to change the current dynamics and a 10 point difference in the final vote may well be exactly what will be. If not then a 5 point lead will most likely occur if a huge wipeout doesn't materialize. Either way both scenarios ensure a Biden victory and a well earned win for those of us who have fought the good fight since day one of trump's appointment to our presidency.

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