Friday, August 31, 2018

Nearly half of all my posts are about how republicans screw us (#3500)

     I know anything I say is not worth much to many who have plenty of their own opinions and beliefs about what they think is right, however I can link my claims to facts and figures for the vast majority of the time. It isn't as if I woke up one morning and decided to give republicans hell. I actually listened to their positions and and how they would achieve them with objectivity. Yet I was skeptical of their claims since they didn't jibe with the facts on the ground. Theories are one thing to get behind but if you don't see the results of those theories play out then you have to let those theories go as ineffective and undoable. So after many years of my time given to republicans and their "logic" in my youth I have found that the only logic of their claims is a selfish agenda to enrich themselves and those wealthy who would be like them.
     That is not equality, justice nor fairness in their intent. So it wasn't long in my youth that I gave the middle finger to the republican ideology and started out on a quest to support democrats everywhere and anywhere I could find them running in opposition to the republican working middle poor class oppression. Nixon brought us the EPA and since then republicans have spent their time taking back all the programs democrats and a few republicans built for our society to equalize it's opportunities for all. For the last 50 years republicans have shown that they don't care about equality of opportunity nor do they care about the equality of our women in all the paradigms of society. The republican party has been working overtime to protect it's not so subtle forms of racism and sexism.
     So when I see or hear of anyone in my sphere supporting republicans or voting for them I cringe and give them a mouthful of explanation as to why they are wrong and then upon them arguing back to me that I am either wrong, without giving evidence as to how and why, or changing the subject I dismiss them from my life. I have no time for those who are willful tools of the oppressors and/or are too stubborn in their ignorance to allow for the facts of reality and logic to penetrate their mindsets. So after many years of writing my blog posts about the nature of the human species and how we are more than the worst we display, I changed to exposing republican politics for the nasty brutish effect it has on us while maintaining advantages and privileges beyond merit for themselves and the likewise wealthy.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The coward bully trump is threatening us if we don't vote for him (#3499)

     Haha! Well fat chance that strategy is going to work. What we know of the little coward trump is that bullying is his go to move. When he has run out of lies and deceptions his bullying shows up. Well to me it is somewhat amusing in that I would personally wish for him to try and bully me. If there is one thing that grinds my gears to a halt it is some little coward bully trying to get me or someone else to do something they know is wrong. Voting for trump for anything is now without a doubt totally wrong. The beauty is that I am not alone in this wishing because trump has pissed off and angered the majority of our citizenry and the line to square up with trump is one very very long one.
     So not only will his bullying be unsuccessful but it will further bring out his crass base for us to recognize and identify for future remunerations of a kind. Rooting out the cancer in the form of hateful individuals is one of the many solutions we can begin to administer after the voting is done in 78 days. What trump is doing by threatening us is to galvanize us even more and add to our ranks of those who were unsure about how to vote. Because for the most part we Americans are not cowards like trump. We may not be diligent in our civic duty nor our need to be knowledgeable about the things that affect us but we are not shrinking violets under the hot gaze of a little coward like trump.
     Our constitution protects our right to free speech but it doesn't necessarily protect us from the consequences of that speech. If trump thinks that he can threaten us without us having a recourse he is living in a delusional bubble. But be that as it may be, his threats will fall on deaf ears regardless because we already know his cowardly nature. Once the bluster of his threats has passed the only thing left is the filthy smell of his breath for there is no action behind his ramblings of terror. We who oppose the appointed president are of a strong stout nature and nothing the little cowardly bully can blow our way will knock down our resolve to end his reign and reassign him to a place he is destined to dwell.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Troubleshooting life (#3498)

     It never fails, it being some unexpected obstacle interrupting my attempt at peace and serenity. I really do try to accomplish my normal tasks in anticipation of any seen problem but it is the unseen problems that keep knocking at my metaphorical door. So like is usually the case l focus my energies into resolving these unforeseen problems as quickly as I can. Because what I have learned is that unexpected problems can expand into much worse if left to themselves for any short or long period of time. So as quickly as I can I close them out.
     I don't look for blame or excuse, just solution. Because that is the nature of the unexpected. Life happens and then we must react to it. I do get to occasionally enjoy peace and serenity, which is why I am always working toward it. I have had my best days in the sun chasing the nearly impossible with all my youthful hubristic vigor but now my life is in the early stages of winding down so the quiet reflection and quiet stillness of my surroundings have captured my attentions.
     But this is life and all its whirligigs so as much as l seek to rest and quietly maintain my golden years life has other plans it seems. I am not complaining as such but just describing my often futile attempts to exempt myself from lifes constant nature of change. I will resolve the latest obstacle at my feet and then catch my breath and hope the next unexpected obstacle is further than closer. There is always a sense of relief after accomplishing these unexpected missions but the relief isn't much compared to the peace and serenity l had hoped to be experiencing instead.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Mandatory voting and public service for all (#3497)

     There is only one way we are going to get our nation engaged in its own governance and that is to require that we have not only mandatory voting but mandatory service for a minimum of two years. It makes sense if we want to keep our democracy a vibrant growing movement. With too many there is a tendency to forget what it takes to have a free society. Well the voting and the service will refresh everyone's mind and heart as to why we have a democracy in the first place. Self rule has to have a foundation from which to thrive and voting,  along with service, allows us to connect the dots as to why our politics matter. Life isn't just about chasing profits or a social life, it is also about a duty to a way of life that is an example for the rest of the world to emulate.
     I know there are many detractors out there who think that too many are too ignorant to be involved in such heavy complex matters as choosing representatives or casting yeas and nays on policies. Yet when forced to learn we Americans are quick to the point. Just like when we must all pass a driving test we somehow learn to make it so. Voting is no different especially with the information available about our particular regions and the nation on whole. There may be a bump or two in the road at the beginning but the fear of starting to do something right should never stop us from doing it don't you agree?
     So mandatory voting, I would eventually like to see the voting age dropped to 16 but for now mandatory voting at 18 and beyond with mandatory service is the best beginning. The mandatory service concept is to instill a sense of ownership into our youth as they grow and mature into our next generation of leaders. There is nothing like learning to walk in other people/s shoes to give perspective that is crucial to learning what life is like for more than ourselves or our particular group of people. The tremendous diversity we have within our borders requires us to become aware of the plight of the many and understand that what works for some doesn't work for others. Service gives us that with either military rostering or other civil duties as they are created. Mandatory voting, with a benefit for voting and a cost for not voting plus serving our nation in some capacity that gives us perspective beyond our own self. We need this here in America.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Today's republicanism, greedy for them deadly for us (#3496)

     There is no other way to understand what the lack of honorable principles are that define today's republicans. They take for themselves in dishonest ways and call it competition, while leaving nothing for the social contract that has already been struck. They look in the mirror and see who they keep company with while badly pretending that they are not racist. They treat their mothers, daughters and sisters as more like chattel than they do as as equal partners in life. But most of all they lie, cheat and steal anywhere and everywhere they can in order to maintain their privilege and advantage. I am a white male and it sickens me that those who look like me are more the dregs and enemies of modernity than not.
     I love the enlightenment of modernity, merit, innovation, creativity and all that evolves life into a greater paradigm of existence. There isn't enough time in my life to learn all that I want to learn. My curiosity is boundless and so is my optimism for we human beings to comprehend and inculcate. My cultural premise and conclusion is all about knowledge. I don't carry the myths, mores and superstitions into my future other than as lessons of days gone by. What I cherish is the future and what unknowns that need to be known. My human nature that dominates along with my care for all of us is curiosity, my thirst for knowledge known and where knowledge has yet to be discovered.
     So the rest of us wish we could have the solid base of secured life under us that democracy would in its natural state offer but we can't because republicans have their fever of greed and it is all consuming in them. It brought them through to leadership because they were willing to commit whatever crime necessary to manipulate trust and friendship. But we see through their lies and deceptions and in 71 days we will have the opportunity to reverse the frenzied viral greed republicans have marinated within their souls. We those who are not all about taking and not sharing will have our say and it will be a mighty saying of enough as I feel in my bones.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

My dreams drive my reality (#3495)

     Oh what a crazy mixed bags of dreams I am still having throughout my life. From flying like a bird to um... more personal things. :) Yet they all center on my emotions. The thrill within my dreams is electrically charged. There is nothing quite like living with an edge of exhilaration in every act and thought. I suppose it is why when I was much younger and could still be a daredevil it felt natural and real. My dreams also effect my conscience in ways that define my character and personality. What values I take into my dreams seem to be magnified within them. I am a greater man while I am sleeping then when I am awake it seems. lol.
     Yet I am not such a bad guy in reality either so how much better am I when I dream? There will always be some darkness that enters my dreams and the fear I feel in them is almost exponentially administered. But like in reality, I do conquer my fears regardless of how much they wish to "freeze" me into inaction. I push back on the fear and fight it head on. So far I am victorious but if I fall off the top of a building again and wake up on the floor from my bed I hope I wake up each time like before because it isn't always a guarantee. I have been known to say that I had such a busy and physically draining dream that I needed to wake up just to get some rest. :)
     I don't know why we are a conscience species nor what our purpose is for being in existence but I do know what happens to me while I am here and it is remarkable in all it's manifestations. My dreams are as much if not more than fulfilling than my waking reality. Yet without my waking reality my dreams have no forum from which to exist. So both have the unique place in my life as determiners of who I am and what I become. I am driven by my dreams to expand my own waking cognitions and explore the depths of my ability to reason, analyze and conclude. Life is such a magnificent experience regardless of my struggles within it. My dreams take me places I can never go myself or ever accomplish in reality so let them continue to surprise me and keep my waking life young and vibrant despite my advancing age.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

My silence is golden when appropriate (#3494)

     I am no shrinking violet, no frightened bullied coward, nor a lazy fool. I am as robust an individual who would speak out as there is. Often too much I suppose. But I always think that it is easier to apologize for being beyond the pale than to say nothing and let the con artists assume I don't care. I cannot think of much worse than to be someone else's puppet. Unfortunately too many of us fail to take our rightful duty to be engaged in the issues of our lives because we have found that others usually pick up our slack. Well the slack has grown too long and not enough of us are around to cover you any longer. So either quit being silent and/or disinterested in the happenings of the day or keep the status quo as it is and see the dissolution of our democracy as your legacy.
     However, there are times when silence is golden. Take for instance the current dilemma Jon McCain finds himself in. He has decided to stop cancer treatment and as such will soon find his life ending. Where my silence on this is golden is that I cannot but think of a few things politically, since he has been a politician most of his adult life, that I agreed with. Yet his career before politics showed him to be more than an honorable man who fought and defended his country with more than normal valor. So contrasting his remarkable service record with his deplorable political one leaves me in my silence while he is still alive. To me the old adage of "if you don't have anything nice to say about someone don't say anything at all" is closely applicable.
     Yet when he has passed I will come out like a torrent and fairly with objectivity define my silence in sot so subtle terms. But that will be then and for now a quiet respect for the end of his life will be observed. But as to the politics of the day there will not be any silence for if I was like too many now I would also be responsible for the trumps and selfish greedy republican party that has our democracy on the run. By not taking a side on the issues of the day we are allowing those who would lie, cheat and steal to frame our narrative less our voice. I am not one to let that happen as I scream from the top of my lungs that abdicating our rights within our democracy is worse than being poor. Nothing is more valuable than our right to define ourselves so stop letting others do that for you!

Friday, August 24, 2018

The arc of moral justice is bending back toward us (#3493)

     I decided to somewhat paraphrase the term differently to define how I am feeling these last few days. It is as if the long nightmare is finally ending and I am waking to a new day. The rigorous work of the Mueller investigation is having a positive effect on me as the tangled web of deceit and collusion that the trumps and most high ranking republican officials have spun is withering and snapping apart. Their cabal of cheaters, liars and thieves is being exposed to the rule of law and their criminality is now being adjudicated. We are at the beginning of the process but it already feels like the end is near.
     The last almost 2 years have been one huge amount of depressing fatigue day after day. I really felt like my and many of my fellow Americans lives were going to be forfeit under the cruel and brutish trump and republican regime. That we fought back against their tide of hatred and misogyny is to our credit and although it is not anywhere near over we can all start to thank our lucky stars for what we have done so far. Yet, thank and then remember that it takes hard work and diligence to make our lives matter and the hard work is still in front of us. Because although the courts will have a say in the criminal aspect, the voting booth will also be huge in defining our sentencing to republicans for their treachery in the public square.
     We must come down on republican heads with a reasoned vengeance that more than matches their duplicity. Dishonoring the honorable values our nation has fought to uphold, 242 years worth from America declaring its independence, republicans deserve the worst of what is not cruel and inhumane as per our national constitution. Their acts, and behaviors have so sullied our nations heritage that the harshest letter of the law is due as a reminder to all who would devise to steal our democracy. A moral justice is coming back and it is fitting that the unjust republicans are awaiting it's verdict.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Democratic candidates need to be like Beto (#3492)

     The one main thing I have observed about the races in red districts and states is that the democratic candidate needs to get out among the voters and relentlessly, and I mean relentlessly work to connect with them. Much like Conor Lamb did in Pennsylvania and especially now like what Beto O'Rourke is doing in Texas. The non stop almost frenzied mission to visit every nook and cranny of the voting jurisdiction regardless of size is the first priority. Having a well honed message about who we are as democrats and what we want for our constituents is next. Then the delivery must be as sincere as the message is hopeful. We don't need to contrast so much with the standing republican opponent but reminding the electorate of what could be is enough to let the constituents contrast for themselves.
     It is not an easy task to be objective enough so that those who are listening to our message can connect the dots for themselves but that is precisely what we need to do. We can offer our vision of a better life for all Americans, the working middle poor class and yes, even the fair minded wealthy, in juxtaposition to what is currently the status quo. This is something Beto has made the leap to. He not only looks like a regular guy, but he is a regular guy so there is no phoniness about him. His passion to serve his constituents is undeniable and really a tribute to his having seen enough of citizens being under represented to make him want to change that. His likeable qualities are married to his vision for an America where we honor and respect not only ourselves but our neighbors and our allies.
     This roll up your sleeves candidate is willing to take charge of matters within his own life with a consistency that is a true example for all men and women to exemplify. There is nothing Beto stands for that would deny democratic ideals nor the fairness and justice of democratic principles. He is the vision of what our forefathers/mothers considered when they first glimpsed what the future could be like. If Texas elects Beto to the senate they will find that they have in him one of the finest human beings currently in public office who is willing to sacrifice his time and efforts to make their lives better. Isn't that what we all would hope for from our representatives?

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Clean out the house, senate and statehouses of republicans in 76 days (#3491)

     Well with what we are seeing with the Mueller investigation is the filth of crime just starting to be legally exposed about most all the republican party. Not only are republicans wrong on policies for the future of America, our allies and our planet but they are also criminal in their drive to control us and the power we have blindly given them. Well the lid is off the pot now and the indictments and pleas are cooking for all to see and smell. The only ones now who cannot nor will not see the despicable nature of the republican party and its leaders are the ones who have little to no humanity within their soul. They would support a serial killer if he was of their ilk. So the vast majority of the rest of us are now able to decide our coming vote based upon intelligence and the truth.
     What our nation needs is to cleanse itself of the republican political party who gambled that their treason and criminality would be swept under the rug. Well we didn't sweep it under the rug we exposed it for its sickening nature. There can be no dispensation from regular order when crimes have been committed especially from a high position of trust. Punishment must be meted out despite our feeling sorry for those who were marginally implicated. Crime of this nature does not allow us to just give them a stern warning and then let them hold their offices. They must be driven from the public arena with no uncertain determination.
     The only way to keep the integrity of our democracy intact is to make an example of the criminal republican party and their enablers. I am all for rehabilitation after an appropriate amount of practical time but retribution comes first and must always have the intent of deterrence at its core. We shall not and will not tolerate intentional criminal activity as it relates to our national and international democracy. The time has come now for all of us to keep our wits about us and get on the same page. We must remove all republicans who are up for election and further continue to remove them in the coming elections thereafter. The disgrace and dishonor republicans have made us endure is wretched and must be dealt with swiftly and harshly as it most assuredly deserves.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The republican party will not stop the coming bluewave (#3490)

     I have thought about this long and hard. Everytime I have seen where republicans have stopped us Democrats from any momentum coming into an election has been when they were very strategic and creative with their lies. I don't see anyone in the republican party who fits that description anymore. Sure, they will try to be strategic and lie like hell but they are not creative enough to fool us this time. The intelligence factor has been squeezed out of them by the trumps and the Russian influence now being investigated. Anyone who was capable of stopping our bluewave is now on the sidelines just watching the coming tsunami of anger aimed at the republican party.
     Do not misinterpret me though. The republicans will try to sabotage the truth and create some false dichotomy while even possibly getting desperate enough to start a war somehow, but their blustery rhetoric will fall on deaf ears. The republican party is like the boy who cried wolf 15 times too often. The bellicose ramblings of trump and his delusional followers will not be enough of an enlightenment to sway us from our disgust with republicans. They have shown their true nature of not wanting to help the average American at all. They have shown instead that their only concern is for the wealthy and their new allies the Russian government. The reality of things is is that our bluewave is going to grow even stronger in force because the republican party refuses to acknowledge their own faults and obliviously continues to muck about in their own mess.
     So as republicans live in their false narrative bubble we need to let them and continue to build our bluewave from the ground up. We will survive the last two years of the republican onslaught even though they have damaged our federal institutions to the point of breaking. But in 77 days it will not continue and our bluewave election will hit with a ferocity that is equivalent to the anger they have ignited within our working middle poor class. We may not have the voter turnout we should have in our great free democratic society but the turnout will be much more than normal and with that our bluewave election will emerge. The republican party has shown itself and for the vast majority of us it has been found wanting and therefore must go!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Structuring the totality of philosophy (#3489)

     I am more aware of western philosophical ideas through the ages than I am of eastern philosophical ideas. Which leaves me with an incomplete history of philosophy for all of humankind. Yet even with just the western experience I can formulate a structure for living in my own life. Taking what all the great philosophers had to say and filtering in and out the best of those concepts one can begin to see a pattern of hope and justice evolve. This is what philosophy over time can do for us. It gives us individual glimpses in time as that continuum progresses. Being a benefactor like me is merely the luck of having been born later and 1000's of years of evolutionary thought to expand from.
     Our minds are much more capable of focusing on the immediate and singular problems of the day, which allows many of us to perceive the best of what could be and making a case for it to be part of our growth. There are only a handful of us who can see far enough into the future to create a philosophical or any other paradigm structure that endures through time and space. So what most of us have to do is take the best of which we know about philosophy and merge it into itself over the span of its recorded history. This way we begin to take the steps of understanding our human nature and our path toward our futures. Who we are is what is being decided and many have taken to leaving that question alone and just accepted that we are and always will be just animals.
     Philosophy though does not hold to that. We are more than just animals who have but one goal in life, to survive. We are humans who were once just animals but evolved beyond that in order to start utilizing our greater abilities. We are more like biological data processors who have the storage for memory while being able to compute with reason, analysis and conclusion. Our physical attributes are enhanced by our enlightenment through physics and other sciences. But most of all we can imagine a creation, innovate it and then produce with amazing accuracy and efficiency. Philosophy gets us to the place where we are more than our individual animal selves, instead we are the sum of what all of human life has offered to this point. Now to leave our legacy for the future.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The inbuilt denial of republicanism (#3488)

     I am tired of finding out how many times it will take for republicans to figure out that their policies and perceptions about life are illogical with brutality and cruelty as the only constant. They are only looking at some big picture that they think will solve our problems. But the problem with their thinking is that they do not care about the humanity that will suffer and die because of it. They have made themselves immune to the desperation and death that is the effect of their cause. They do want a more perfect union but at the expense of more than half our population. So when I say that republicans only care about themselves I am not embellishing.
     What kind of person sees the death of living things as a necessary step toward a better world for themselves as a rule. They don't want to use knowledge, imagination nor innovation and creativity as a rule, They only know one way, and that is to kill off that which is bothering them. I myself have little need for being selfish or greedy but I am not a republican either. But they have those two traits of greed and selfishness ingrained into their vision for our future. They do not see our great diversity as a positive, in fact, it is the one criteria they use to crush the will of those who are "not them". Their determined outlook is to put their boot to our necks and if it crushes out our life then so be it. One less "not them" to have to deal with.
     The lazy fecklessness of the average republican party member is such that they do not wish to be enlightened, instead they want to be coddled in their hatred for what is not like them. I use to think humanity would always try to learn to grow in maturity and care but it seems that republicans have arrived and grown as much as they will and no amount of evidence will get them to examine their understandings and beliefs with an objective viewpoint toward further growth. No other logical rationalization is acceptable to them if it doesn't coincide with their lack of empathy for other humans and their need to have more for themselves at regardless of the endgame.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

It's your choice, we can have outlaw or law abiding (#3487)

     In 80 days we will find out. That is if enough of us care to vote. The not caring to vote is the real harm being done to our society. But setting that aside for now, we will have a choice come November 6th. Either continue on the path of lawlessness in the form of anti democratic practices or get back to our ideal national destiny to be the melting pot of the world. Being a lawless society will give some the ability to take from most with impunity. Like in the wild west days when the outlaws came into town and took what they wanted and didn't stand for any backtalk or threats from those being taken from. Not a rosy picture is it when we have been so accustomed to laws that protect our property and individual rights.
     Or we can return to the structure of law and it's formula for protecting and increasing our natural and personal rights while modernizing our communities. A place where we can plan our futures with reasonable certainty while still trying to improve our society for all of its members. You know shared community standards that give all of us the same opportunity to excel through innovation, creation and merit in any way we choose that is within the bounds of our acceptable normalcy. The form of a free will in action less the chaotic frenzy that comes with the republican plan of advantage and privilege over the rule of law. We democrats believe that all should be held accountable to their acts and none should escape their guilt when found in a court of law.
     So in a few short weeks we will be able to choose how our future will look. We Americans have been given more than a glimpse of what both the republicans and democrats have to offer so we shall see first, if we show up at the polls and second how those who do show up want the future of our nation to be. We will find out if greed and selfishness are now our motto or if equality of opportunity, fairness and justice will remain as our ideals. I have lived long enough to know that it is a question now beyond my own belief that it ever could be but such is the unknown we have become. Will we find our way back to our roots or will we change who we were into something that cannot be called honorable.

Friday, August 17, 2018

A return to normal (#3486)

     What the republican party has done to our society and is still trying to do is destroy our modernity. In examples of just one area of our society, they don't want us to have safe food, clean water, clear skies, fertile soil. Instead they want to rampage over all the natural resources we have in search of more dollars for their wallets. Don't be confused either, they want the dollars for themselves, not for anyone else. So if you think this wild west strategy of theirs is some romantic nostalgic time from our past then yes, before we had enforceable laws and any kind of code of ethics, where your life depended on the luck of not being killed for your possessions and your family was vulnerable to kidnapping and other nefarious acts, then yes, the republican party is who you should vote for.
     There are a handful of people who are loud and boisterous in their declaration for the wild west scenario, yet they still have their modern conveniences. It is as if they don't rationalize that they are fighting against that which they themselves refuse to give up. I can only shake my head and parse out that they are not capable of understanding the illogic they so vociferously advocate. All I can do is point out their illogic, hypocrisy and the hatred that they continue to bleat. I don't waste my time on them anymore since like most all of us have found out, they will not understand anything beyond their own beliefs whether through lack of mental ability or sheer obstinance.
     Which is why I now only give of my time to those who are not them. There are moderate republicans who are disgusted with many of the current vile attributes of the leaders of the republican party and there are independents, who are dissatisfied republicans hiding out in the independent field or truly independent voters who have an independent streak and must be swayed to vote through rational analysis. These are the ones I focus my time on. They at least are not locked into some ideology that doesn't exist or is harsh and brutish. I can debate the merits of policies of modernity and enlightenment without having to exhaust my patience with ignorance in return. In other words I only engage those who can be engaged in an objective way with truths, facts and reality. No willful ignorance allowed!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

82 days until the midterm bluewave! (#3485)

     I do not feel too worried that the republican party can somehow turn our bluewave around. It has been building for well over a year with no sign of receding. As well is the ridiculous ineptitude of trump who as a rule continues to shoot republicans in the foot with his conniving statements and horrible policy initiatives. It is like the closer we get to the election the worse his attempts to harm us get. Well we are not afraid of his bellicose ramblings and are not intimidated by his tantrums. Yet that seems to be his strategy so far. Trying to put fear in us instead of moderating his positions. The old practice of somewhat acting like a human being around election time has completely been forgone by this current trump cabal.
     The rest of the republican party who will feel the force of the bluewave are scrambling and are unsure how to stand or not with trumps. Which makes it easier for our bluewave to gain momentum in the absence of a sensible unified defense. Many of us are leery of feeling overconfident about our bluewave but in this case I do feel at least confident that our bluewave will come crashing down on the republican party come election day. So instead of fretting about what late surprise the republican party has planned for us I keep vigilant to my tasks of rebutting republicans and building up democrats, while basking in the flow of our coming bluewave.
     I will not sit back and worry, no, I will smile and be happy that enough of us rational voters have finally awoken to our duty and responsibility to be stewards of our democracy. The only reason trumps and republicans have been successful is because they caught us democrats, independents and democracy loving republicans napping when we should have been standing guard. Well we are all standing guard now and no how no way is this current republican party going to maintain its power on our watch. As the trumps continue to do all the wrong things in defense of its democracy crushing policies we the American electorate are chomping at the bit to get to our day in the sun.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Religious figures are not exempt from criminal prosecution (#3484)

     Same goes for trumps, they break the law they pay the price. No one is above the law in a democracy. We who are of an objective thought process have known for decades that religious figures have been violating children in heinous ways but we have been unable to find the wherewithal to make them stop. Somehow the religious power that has historically been given to churches has allowed them to supersede common law practice. Well enough of that and all must pay for crimes, even including government officials. There is no dispensation in the law for churches and never should have been in the past.
     Belief system adherents are not special, they are no more unique than those of us who find no relevance in holding a belief system when we have logic and common sense. That is what my gut tells me and my gut always steers me toward enlightenment. So the practice of letting church officials get away with harming children or any others through physical or mental force is an abomination in itself. It defies that idea that a belief system is a good system. Morality is supposed to be at the center of belief systems right next to ethical behavior yet neither are practiced with any regularity in many religious institutions.
     I find that having my spiritual life is not any different than my natural life. I see us as all connected but without much definition as to what that actually means. That is okay though since I don't need to know exactly why just that it is so. Within that connection I find that all things within reality are here for us to discover and care about together. We are all part of what makes reality and me or anyone trying to define it within a specific scope is just limiting what we are and the first sign that someone or something is trying to take from us all that we are and/or would otherwise be.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The test of our democracy (#3483)

     How far are we willing to go before we decide that we will not let a criminal do everything to destroy our society so that he can control us? How far? That trump knows he can defy the law while he has political power and political cover is obvious. So how far are we willing to let him flaunt our laws to his advantage? Other than showing up to vote him and his accomplices out of office what else are we prepared to do? How far are we willing to go to stop the madness that is trump and his delusions? Our civility is our greatest weakness at the moment even though in normal times it is one of our greatest strengths. So what are we willing to do about that?
     It seems to me that fighting on the same level with our opponent who will not engage us on ours is what is left for us to consider. We cannot stay on the high road of honor if there is no road left for us to travel. The republicans and trump specifically are trying to take all of that which our society is woven together with from us. He cannot take our will however much he tries if we are willing to fight him on his on turf. Because he will not fight us on our turf. He knows he will lose so playing dirty, lying, cheating and stealing is his battleground. Well I for one am done trying to convince trump and his followers that civilized behavior demands that we use logic and common sense. They have found another path of chaos and brutality that while they have power seems to work for them.
     So the test of our democracy is how willing are we the defenders of democracy willing to do whatever it takes to stop the destruction of our democratic nation? Pause for a moment and consider that the conventional defenses against the lying, cheating and stealing republican party are not effective. So what else must we do to stand up to the bullies who would be kings? I will not mention any options for us to consider here but in your own minds let all options be mulled. I have my honor and principles for living to fall back on but to protect the actual life of them there is nothing off the table as a recourse to not being.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Everything is cruel and brutish with trump (#3482)

     Not only cruel and brutish with trump but with the republican party on whole. The republican party falls in lockstep with trump like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well republicans have chosen their fate and now we the American electorate will choose ours. With 54% of all US voters disapproving of trump's performance in the White House it is clear to us that his agenda of destroying families and tearing apart the social safety net is going to crush him and his acolyte republican party come 85 days from now. There is no smokescreen he can use nor any illusion he can create to change the fact that his hatred for Americans will be his undoing.
     Usually about this time when republicans have mostly done their worst to us when they have power like now, they back off a little and act gracious toward us with some small gesture that they say proves their love for us. When in reality it is just a small table scrap of hope with no guarantee it will last past the voting day. They are nefarious in their actions of false pretenses only when it gives them an edge during the election season. So do not be fooled by their lazy tactics to try to be our friends when all they want is to remain in power so that they can continue to do their worst to us. Do not be fooled by their offering of some little token that is always only superficial in order to calm our anger over their taking of far greater rights from us to give to the wealthy.
     It has always been such. The republican party is the party of the wealthy and always will be so if you hope that they will suddenly change their agenda with some small consideration for us at election time as a sign that they are coming around to our devotion to democracy you will once again be highly disappointed. There is only one response to republicans when they come calling with their little gift for us at election time and that is to take it and then tell them it will never be enough because you are going to vote them out no matter what or how many gifts they bring. They had their chance to stand up for us when it counted and all they did was chop us off at the knees with a smile and a condescending smirk.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

86 days for the bluewave to hit (#3481)

     This so reminds me of when I was a child and counted down the days to my birthday and Christmas. It was like a constant uplifting moment I could pull out of my mind to make me feel better. Life sucks a lot of the time and now more so than ever with republicans and trump making life miserable without a recourse for we democrats. Yet, in just a handful of weeks we will be able to change most of that. Our recourse may well be control of the entire Congress as a rebuttal to trump and his attempts to harm we the working middle poor class any more. Out time is coming to make sure that republicans and trump pay for their blatant disregard for us.
     The extent of our bluewave is still to be determined but that there will be a bluewave election is dried concrete. We are not fools here in America although the results of the last election contradicts that. We were caught out by a sneaky conniving republican party that stooped to treasonous strategies in order to overcome the will of America. The desperation of republicans is clear for all to see now so their strategies of ulterior motives is exposed. We will not again be caught out by republicans and instead we will crush them regardless of their filthy wealth aimed at dividing us.
     There is no more naivete here with we democrats. We are resolute in our determination to dismiss the republican party and all of its cancerous cells. Then we Americans can get back to our struggle for greater equality of opportunity with justice and fairness. Privilege and advantage will no longer be the highest priority in determining merit, actual merit will be the greatest factor. Respect for the human experience for all who exist will be the model, not the subjective favor system that the wealthy demand. We democrats are not only willing to fight in the streets for our right to exist but we will fight in the court of knowledge and enlightenment where we have always had a decided advantage over the republicans who only wish to rule as brutes.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

We need massive protestations right up until election day (#3480)

     If there is one thing at all that gets the otherwise busy or tuned out non voting citizenry engaged in politics it is massive protests and general strikes where possible. If we do not make everyday life appear as uncomfortable as it is to all of us then many of us just won't care to realize it. We must force reality on ourselves if only to make us aware of the dangerous times we are now living. the republican and trump agenda of destroying the American middle class cannot be more obvious but still too many don't or won't admit it and get up against it. Well when we put it out in front of their faces and make life a little less convenient for them then many more catch on to what is happening in real time.
     I am not talking about civil disobedience out of some petty grievance, I am talking about taking a constitutional stand to stop bigotry, prejudice and bias. We must force our response to the criminal acts being perpetrated on human beings without redress. We are talking about the taking of our futures through the diminishing of medical and financial institutional programs. We are talking about the nefarious ever widening income gap from the super wealthy in our nation and the massive majority of us regular Joes and Janes. We are talking about the criminally strategic grab for power by republicans in our national and state governments.
     We are talking about keeping our democracy and all that has been paid through blood and treasure to attain and preserve it. Our nation fought for our democracy since it's inception and since attaining it has fought to preserve it with conviction and honor. Yet now we are faced with an internal political party that is by far a minority but has allocated through deception and complacency on our part to itself the levers to maintain a minority rule over the majority. We must stop the republican party and its figureheads anyway we can through not doing the things that normalize them nor the things that justify their lies. We must take our society into our own hands and each and everyone of us must find the will to participate in the salvation of our mighty and once invincible democracy.

Friday, August 10, 2018

The de evolution of republicans (#3479)

     We are witnessing in our time the actual reversal of enlightenment in selective ways. As the republican party has shown us they can live in a cognitive dissonance and pretend that they are true to facts and truths. This de evolution is in response to their inability to defend equality. They would rather stay biased and prejudicial in their outlooks on life than accept that there are others who are not like them. It is borderline insanity that they think that they are above those who they see as not the same as them. Instead of accepting that we are all different and unique they think we are broken and divisive.
     Yet republicans continue to enjoy the fruits of diversity and tolerance despite their own hatred for them. By delegitimizing enlightenment when that enlightenment is in contradiction with their own personal or religious beliefs they argue that rational thinking and logic are not true even when they are proven so. I have had enough debates with republicans about facts and reality to know that they do not follow logic to its conclusion if it is in any way contradictory to their preconceived conclusion. So no amount of argument for or against an idea will be persuasive to them if it doesn't align with their own inner feeling.
     So I have taken my precious time from their field of illogic and instead have applied it to constructive forms of expression. I know that there is nothing I can do to "re" evolutionize their mindsets and as such have left them to others who may do more for them than I. I am one who sees that logic and common sense are starting points, a base if you will, and if we cannot agree on the rules of discussion then no productive discussion can be held. If we simply do not agree that reality, facts and truths are foundational then the rest is just wishful thinking. I prefer not to live in a fantasy world since the real world is difficult enough to navigate through life. My evolution in time and space has to be at minimum the best of what I can do with what there is and no time spent on anything else will be given.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Do not be deterred! (#3478)

     I know the fatalism I felt on November 8th, 2016. It was a really hard kick in the gut. Yet, as bad as I knew it was going to get it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We are still alive and for that matter still fighting back. We democrats have built a momentum that is still in force. We are winning some close races and losing some close races but the difference is that these close races are all in red or deep red special election districts. When it comes to defending our own blue districts we are winning by even larger than normal margins. So when I feel the crush of a defeat that shouldn't even have been an option for us I still come away convinced that we democrats are going to win on November 6th.
     Let the republicans gloat over their close wins in districts and states they should have won by landslides instead of squeaking them out. Let them think they are still on top with no one to contest them. Because when our bluewave hits them in 89 days they will be leveled like they have not been in decades. I would rather they be caught unawares or by surprise than for them to put all their dirty tricks into play when they know they are the underdog. I would rather have them patting themselves on the back for a job well done even if that is an illusion than them focusing on new ways to lie, cheat and steal our election going forward.
     So let us democrats, independents and "had enough" republicans just keep going about our business of getting more citizens registered and making sure that they have a way to the polls. It would also behoove us to make sure we are on the voting rolls as republicans are in constant motion to purge voting opportunities. We also know that the republicans are all for allowing Russia to interfere with our voting and this time we have to make sure our votes count correctly and nothing else. The only way to win back our sanity and our physical well being is to fight for it because republicans are not going to give us our national soul back when they can make money and retain power. Do not be deterred, we will defeat them when we all are engaged and ready to win as best we know how.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1 point loss in Ohio is still good news for our bluewave! (#3477)

     It was disheartening last night to lose such a close race in a gerrymandered republican district in Ohio but otherwise there is good news. First, this race will be run again in 90 days. Yes, just 3 months from now we'll be having this same election again. By losing with such a close margin there is optimism that this race can be won by the democrat in November. Secondly, this was a heavy republican district and we only lost by less than approximately 2000 votes. So the momentum for this coming election is not dwindling like republicans had hoped. In fact is is still maintaining it's force for democrats. In a district that trump carried by double digits, it barely hung on for republicans last night.
     We democrats have young smart and purposeful candidates running throughout the United States this November and with such animosity with the republican party for taking away working middle poor class policies we democrats are still positioned to take back the house and hopefully the senate. There are still pockets of trump loyalists out there especially when we focus on the gerrymandered districts they enacted, however their margins are growing smaller as our electorate's frustrations have increased. So even in what should have been a blowout win for republicans it was in doubt until the last hour. The angst our nation is feeling with trump and republicans is showing up each time we have a special election.
     There is still hard work to do and we must not count our chickens before they have hatched. We have learned this lesson mightily from 2016 and as such must keep pressing hard the advantage we have against republicans everywhere. The larger we can make our democratic wave the more we will be able to do after the election to not only control the idiocy of the trump junta but to put investigations in place that are not hampered and corrupted by the party that is being investigated. We must stop the republican agenda here at home and strengthen our dissolving relationships with our traditional allies. But just as important we must stop the collusion with Russia that most all the republican party seems to be affiliated.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

trump cannot get enough of himself (#3476)

     I have my favorite sports teams, movies, series shows on television that l watch and occasionally watch again. But l don't make a habit of recording myself, although I did once for a 5 second news interview, as a means to bathe in the glory of my image like what trump does. He records his rallies so he can watch them over and over again to fulfill some egotistical fantasy of himself.
     How far from the boundaries of normalcy is trump if he craves his own persona? Thankfully in 91 days we democrats will have successfully destroyed his belief that most Americans worship him. On the contrary, most of us Americans and the world at large despise him. He will then know the truth of things regardless of how he spins the facts. That he is already on the brink of spinning further out of control will only be increased once his narcissism crashes into reality.
     I am cautiously optimistic that we democrats and independents will change the horrifying status quo and show the world the reversing of the trump installation. What he may be able to do when he is eventually removed from power is to sit back in his privacy and watch reruns of the time he and his republican cohorts almost destroyed America. His mind is only good for one thing for him and in that fantasy world he does become a demigod, regardless of what the truth, facts and reality expose otherwise.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Thankfully we have social media (#3475)

     The scary thought for me when trump was appointed was that he would somehow end the Internet. He has done some chipping away at it with his discarding net neutrality rules but in the bigger picture we still have our social media. Because social media gives all of us technology believers a chance to not only learn of all the news we can imagine but as well a way to fact check it. This is what a thriving and informed democracy does, it gives its citizens all the tools they need to make their lives modern and intelligent. In 92 days we will get to vote again and with that we can further secure our social media platforms with a vote for democrats.
     I feel like a stone has been lifted off the top of my head because we have survived the worst that trump and his republican bootlickers can do to us. There is still the supreme court nominee we need to stop if we can until after the coming election but that is dicey at best. Overall though we are not unarmed going into the coming election. We have our facts before us easily obtained and if questioned by the less informed we have bookmarked our responses. Even when the false narratives and actual lies of the republican machine kick in we will be able to easily defend against them. They will not catch us off guard like the did in 2016.
     Anything that would deprive us of information gathering is an attack on our democracy and must be treated as such. Anything that would lie and distort facts and truths are most likely coming from republicans and must be exposed and disseminated by we the people of America. I don't count on polling or wishful thinking to get us over the hump come election day, I count on voting. I also count on hammering republicans with the truth and destroying their lies with facts, not so much to convince republicans of their erroneous ways, but to cut them off from fooling undecided voters who are not as informed as they should otherwise be. Social media is a real factor in our ability to gain knowledge and enlightenment and anything that would suggest or promote as not should be harshly dealt with, with little compassion for the promoters.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

We can neutralize trump in 93 days (#3474)

     That trump was fortunate enough to be appointed president with majorities in Congress was a stroke of luck for him. He unwisely assumed however that he was gifted with some great power beyond the reality of his status. So like any ego driven narcissist with power, he lorded like gentry beyond his own understanding. He at first treated his associates with some deference to their desires but not long afterward he began to discount even them. Many of his republican acolytes stuck with him though even as they began to take flack for backing him and his even more destructive stances.
     But now we are seeing more and more of his followers in Congress moving away from him and his toxic nature. They realize that they are much more vulnerable to losing their power by aligning with trump so they are now trying to act as if trump is of little concern to them. So not only is trump squeezing his own party of allegiance he is devastating to those of us who are not with him. Which for those of us who are in an excited state to see trump gone from power is a silver lining given the midterms are just a little over 3 months away. Because trump cannot be voted out of office this coming November 6th, yet his power to cause irreparable damage to the working middle poor class can be!
     So building our bluewave election is based mostly on the horrible policies trump is promoting and instituting but not limited to that. That trump is also alienating his own party through controversial and what looks to be criminal actions is also helping to build our democratic bluewave. Most elections usually turn on the independents who make up about a third of our electorate. So getting those voters to side with the democratic bluewave is essential. Yet our work is not uphill, it is not even difficult. It is just making sure that the truth of things is not washed out by the republican lie machine. If we all stay steadfast about what really is going on and not let the republicans split our attentions we will have our democratic bluewave and it will take what power is left for trump away and his last 2 years in office will be a whimpering one.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Only 94 days left (#3473)

     Each and every day I will incorporate the closer we are getting to the midterm election in my posts. Why? Because I am excited to see the coming democratic bluewave. I know we are going to have one it will just be by what force it arrives. Will it be just a mediocre bluewave that doesn't change much at all or will it be a force unlike anything we have seen since 2010. It is my hope that it will be more like the election of 2010 but with democrats taking over Congress and not republicans. It is essential that we win not only the midterms this time but the next general election in 2020 so that we democrats can change the gerrymandered districts back to their more traditional shapes.
     We democrats may have lost out on the Supreme Court for now because of the dirty tricks and conspiracies republicans have employed but we can reverse the overall legislative power of our national government and many of our state governments as well. In time we can repair the damage done to the high court but we will suffer that one for at least a decade most likely. Those who manipulated our election and appointment processes need to be given their reckoning and as such it all begins in 94 days at the midterms on November 6th. Our candidates running in the democratic party are grassroots people who are uniquely qualified and sick and tired of the republican condescension of the working middle poor class.
     With superb candidates all across America we democrats have a really wonderful chance of unseating the corrupt and weak republican party in both the house and senate. In the following general election in 2020, it would also seem likely that we will end the disaster appointment of trump to our presidency. With democrats in charge of our national government in 2020, I can see a new beginning, much like what we had here in California. Where the citizens of America come first and foremost and the health and welfare of our nation and our traditional allies are back on a solid footing. In this little bit of time left before the midterms we need to make sure our voters get out and vote and that the undecided get the information that is honest and truthful so that they will also vote to end the nightmare that we democrats are fighting so hard to wake from.

Friday, August 3, 2018

trump and putin are in cohoots (#3472)

     When trump the younger said that the trumps don't need American banks because they have all the money they need we can be reasonably assured he was referring to Russian money. With all the trump bankruptcies it is also reasonable to assume that the money trump finally did get from the Russians was tied to certain actions being performed by trump. As we have seen trump did not renew the sanctions on Russia nor further place more sanctions for the acts the Russians perpetrated on his behalf in the 2016 election. I am just someone who is paying attention to all of this on a little more than casual pace and yet I see well enough to know that trump is being owned by the Russians.
     What we are also seeing is the republican party at large being controlled by the Russians as well. They will not use their majorities to thoroughly investigate in the Senate and House to uncover the truth about the trump and putin connection nor are they overly concerned by it. Of course they greatly benefit from having trump in the White House and it seems nothing short of trump murdering them will they try to remove him. So when this next election happens in 95 days you have to ask yourself are you an American or are you a Russian conspirator? Because it does boil down to that. The republican party has sought to undermine democracy and our allies by aligning with trump regardless of the evidence of the conspiracy.
     You may think your life is better under republican rule at all cost but what you are trading off is your freedom to be yourself. Once you give up your freedom to be yourself you will not get it back. If you vote for republicans in the next elections you are essentially turning your back on 242 years of American democracy so that trump and putin can run your lives as they see fit. Dictators are like that. They want to be admired and loved even at the threat of your death. You will no longer find that your merit and value is a factor. Only those who get on their knees and abdicate their freedom will be allowed to live any kind of life like the one before democracy was taken away. Cowards choose to live on their knees and if America has become a nation of cowards then we will be treated as such.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

We need the largest American turnout for voting in American history (#3471)

     If you are registered to vote, then in 96 days, come out and vote on November 6th. Do not shirk this time to excuses, just do it! There is no greater threat to our democracy than right now and if you think you are above it all or just too busy then you are flat wrong! Nothing and I mean nothing is more important than our vote this coming election. What is at stake is our ability to remain a democracy. The republican party has sold its soul to russia and it is in the process of remaking itself in russia's image. They, the republicans, have come to be convinced that the American people are sheep and will not care how or where we are led. Even if we the American people lift an eyebrow at what is going on the republican party will just lie through their teeth and many of us will believe them.
     Well I am no sheep and if you have been reading any of my posts you know this but there are too many who hate equality and too many who love greed that that republican message has too much appeal. For those republicans they are now excused from having to change their prejudicial and money grubbing values when republicans have the leadership. What is now obvious for all to see is no conspiracy theory it is the republican party's bald faced policy to value people as less or more depending on biased equations. Well for those many more of us who are registered to vote this is the time to vote to make sure republicans lose power everywhere and we can get back to promoting democracy over privilege and advantage.
    For us to win back our democracy every registered voter in our nation must vote this time. A 100% turnout is what this election deserves given the fork in the road we are now at. Either vote this time or likely lose it. It is that desperate for democracy in the face of treasonous trump and his russian alliance. Our nation will either remain a stalwart for democracy or we will fall into the realm of being just an authoritarian government run by a simpleton who thinks he is god. If you cannot find the time to vote this coming election then you are as evil as the republican party and not worthy of anything that democracy promises. So make sure you have the time and the wherewithal to vote and make sure you vote for democracy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Keeping our momentum these last 97 days (#3470)

     Not only keeping our democratic momentum for these last 97 days but growing it as well. I have never been so laser focused on an election this far out in my life. Every indicator of the strength of our coming bluewave is being reasoned and analyzed with extreme anticipation. So far so good. Given the cruel and brutish behavior of trumps and his acolytes the republican party the feeling that our bluewave will be tremendous is not less than likely. Just how tremendous will it be is the question and it is a very important one. given the safe harbor of gerrymandering that republicans pulled off in 2010. The bluewave has to be enormous for us to undo the majorities that republicans have manipulated.
     As full of despair and disbelief as I was after this last election I am just as inversely excited for this election. There is no doubt as to the error of giving trumps the presidency through appointment and the ones who voted with a false hope for trump now realize their mistake. Yet there are others who voted for trump who will never leave him due to some cult reasoning that has more to do with biased illogical processes than common sense. But even with those who have abandoned trump now voting against him and his party we democrats still need to make sure we all vote and we get new voters to the polls. Sometimes it is like trying to herd cats when it comes to getting democrats to vote, especially in midterm elections, but so much is at stake for our futures that no effort can be spared.
     We have the great opportunity to turn the trump debacle around and start to make life better for all of us Americans and we need to do it now. Every day leading up to the election nothing can have a greater priority in our lives than this election in November. Getting people registered, making sure we are on the voting rolls, going to call centers and contacting everyone in America if possible to vote for all democrats on the ballot. Volunteering to take people to the voting stations on November 6th. Anything and everything, including giving what little available money we have to candidates so that they can continue to get the democratic message out. We must all roll up our sleeves and be prepared to fight for our democracy otherwise, as we have seen, republicans will take it from us.