Friday, August 10, 2018

The de evolution of republicans (#3479)

     We are witnessing in our time the actual reversal of enlightenment in selective ways. As the republican party has shown us they can live in a cognitive dissonance and pretend that they are true to facts and truths. This de evolution is in response to their inability to defend equality. They would rather stay biased and prejudicial in their outlooks on life than accept that there are others who are not like them. It is borderline insanity that they think that they are above those who they see as not the same as them. Instead of accepting that we are all different and unique they think we are broken and divisive.
     Yet republicans continue to enjoy the fruits of diversity and tolerance despite their own hatred for them. By delegitimizing enlightenment when that enlightenment is in contradiction with their own personal or religious beliefs they argue that rational thinking and logic are not true even when they are proven so. I have had enough debates with republicans about facts and reality to know that they do not follow logic to its conclusion if it is in any way contradictory to their preconceived conclusion. So no amount of argument for or against an idea will be persuasive to them if it doesn't align with their own inner feeling.
     So I have taken my precious time from their field of illogic and instead have applied it to constructive forms of expression. I know that there is nothing I can do to "re" evolutionize their mindsets and as such have left them to others who may do more for them than I. I am one who sees that logic and common sense are starting points, a base if you will, and if we cannot agree on the rules of discussion then no productive discussion can be held. If we simply do not agree that reality, facts and truths are foundational then the rest is just wishful thinking. I prefer not to live in a fantasy world since the real world is difficult enough to navigate through life. My evolution in time and space has to be at minimum the best of what I can do with what there is and no time spent on anything else will be given.

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