Monday, August 13, 2018

Everything is cruel and brutish with trump (#3482)

     Not only cruel and brutish with trump but with the republican party on whole. The republican party falls in lockstep with trump like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well republicans have chosen their fate and now we the American electorate will choose ours. With 54% of all US voters disapproving of trump's performance in the White House it is clear to us that his agenda of destroying families and tearing apart the social safety net is going to crush him and his acolyte republican party come 85 days from now. There is no smokescreen he can use nor any illusion he can create to change the fact that his hatred for Americans will be his undoing.
     Usually about this time when republicans have mostly done their worst to us when they have power like now, they back off a little and act gracious toward us with some small gesture that they say proves their love for us. When in reality it is just a small table scrap of hope with no guarantee it will last past the voting day. They are nefarious in their actions of false pretenses only when it gives them an edge during the election season. So do not be fooled by their lazy tactics to try to be our friends when all they want is to remain in power so that they can continue to do their worst to us. Do not be fooled by their offering of some little token that is always only superficial in order to calm our anger over their taking of far greater rights from us to give to the wealthy.
     It has always been such. The republican party is the party of the wealthy and always will be so if you hope that they will suddenly change their agenda with some small consideration for us at election time as a sign that they are coming around to our devotion to democracy you will once again be highly disappointed. There is only one response to republicans when they come calling with their little gift for us at election time and that is to take it and then tell them it will never be enough because you are going to vote them out no matter what or how many gifts they bring. They had their chance to stand up for us when it counted and all they did was chop us off at the knees with a smile and a condescending smirk.

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