Friday, August 24, 2018

The arc of moral justice is bending back toward us (#3493)

     I decided to somewhat paraphrase the term differently to define how I am feeling these last few days. It is as if the long nightmare is finally ending and I am waking to a new day. The rigorous work of the Mueller investigation is having a positive effect on me as the tangled web of deceit and collusion that the trumps and most high ranking republican officials have spun is withering and snapping apart. Their cabal of cheaters, liars and thieves is being exposed to the rule of law and their criminality is now being adjudicated. We are at the beginning of the process but it already feels like the end is near.
     The last almost 2 years have been one huge amount of depressing fatigue day after day. I really felt like my and many of my fellow Americans lives were going to be forfeit under the cruel and brutish trump and republican regime. That we fought back against their tide of hatred and misogyny is to our credit and although it is not anywhere near over we can all start to thank our lucky stars for what we have done so far. Yet, thank and then remember that it takes hard work and diligence to make our lives matter and the hard work is still in front of us. Because although the courts will have a say in the criminal aspect, the voting booth will also be huge in defining our sentencing to republicans for their treachery in the public square.
     We must come down on republican heads with a reasoned vengeance that more than matches their duplicity. Dishonoring the honorable values our nation has fought to uphold, 242 years worth from America declaring its independence, republicans deserve the worst of what is not cruel and inhumane as per our national constitution. Their acts, and behaviors have so sullied our nations heritage that the harshest letter of the law is due as a reminder to all who would devise to steal our democracy. A moral justice is coming back and it is fitting that the unjust republicans are awaiting it's verdict.

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