Saturday, August 18, 2018

It's your choice, we can have outlaw or law abiding (#3487)

     In 80 days we will find out. That is if enough of us care to vote. The not caring to vote is the real harm being done to our society. But setting that aside for now, we will have a choice come November 6th. Either continue on the path of lawlessness in the form of anti democratic practices or get back to our ideal national destiny to be the melting pot of the world. Being a lawless society will give some the ability to take from most with impunity. Like in the wild west days when the outlaws came into town and took what they wanted and didn't stand for any backtalk or threats from those being taken from. Not a rosy picture is it when we have been so accustomed to laws that protect our property and individual rights.
     Or we can return to the structure of law and it's formula for protecting and increasing our natural and personal rights while modernizing our communities. A place where we can plan our futures with reasonable certainty while still trying to improve our society for all of its members. You know shared community standards that give all of us the same opportunity to excel through innovation, creation and merit in any way we choose that is within the bounds of our acceptable normalcy. The form of a free will in action less the chaotic frenzy that comes with the republican plan of advantage and privilege over the rule of law. We democrats believe that all should be held accountable to their acts and none should escape their guilt when found in a court of law.
     So in a few short weeks we will be able to choose how our future will look. We Americans have been given more than a glimpse of what both the republicans and democrats have to offer so we shall see first, if we show up at the polls and second how those who do show up want the future of our nation to be. We will find out if greed and selfishness are now our motto or if equality of opportunity, fairness and justice will remain as our ideals. I have lived long enough to know that it is a question now beyond my own belief that it ever could be but such is the unknown we have become. Will we find our way back to our roots or will we change who we were into something that cannot be called honorable.

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