Sunday, August 5, 2018

We can neutralize trump in 93 days (#3474)

     That trump was fortunate enough to be appointed president with majorities in Congress was a stroke of luck for him. He unwisely assumed however that he was gifted with some great power beyond the reality of his status. So like any ego driven narcissist with power, he lorded like gentry beyond his own understanding. He at first treated his associates with some deference to their desires but not long afterward he began to discount even them. Many of his republican acolytes stuck with him though even as they began to take flack for backing him and his even more destructive stances.
     But now we are seeing more and more of his followers in Congress moving away from him and his toxic nature. They realize that they are much more vulnerable to losing their power by aligning with trump so they are now trying to act as if trump is of little concern to them. So not only is trump squeezing his own party of allegiance he is devastating to those of us who are not with him. Which for those of us who are in an excited state to see trump gone from power is a silver lining given the midterms are just a little over 3 months away. Because trump cannot be voted out of office this coming November 6th, yet his power to cause irreparable damage to the working middle poor class can be!
     So building our bluewave election is based mostly on the horrible policies trump is promoting and instituting but not limited to that. That trump is also alienating his own party through controversial and what looks to be criminal actions is also helping to build our democratic bluewave. Most elections usually turn on the independents who make up about a third of our electorate. So getting those voters to side with the democratic bluewave is essential. Yet our work is not uphill, it is not even difficult. It is just making sure that the truth of things is not washed out by the republican lie machine. If we all stay steadfast about what really is going on and not let the republicans split our attentions we will have our democratic bluewave and it will take what power is left for trump away and his last 2 years in office will be a whimpering one.

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