Friday, August 31, 2018

Nearly half of all my posts are about how republicans screw us (#3500)

     I know anything I say is not worth much to many who have plenty of their own opinions and beliefs about what they think is right, however I can link my claims to facts and figures for the vast majority of the time. It isn't as if I woke up one morning and decided to give republicans hell. I actually listened to their positions and and how they would achieve them with objectivity. Yet I was skeptical of their claims since they didn't jibe with the facts on the ground. Theories are one thing to get behind but if you don't see the results of those theories play out then you have to let those theories go as ineffective and undoable. So after many years of my time given to republicans and their "logic" in my youth I have found that the only logic of their claims is a selfish agenda to enrich themselves and those wealthy who would be like them.
     That is not equality, justice nor fairness in their intent. So it wasn't long in my youth that I gave the middle finger to the republican ideology and started out on a quest to support democrats everywhere and anywhere I could find them running in opposition to the republican working middle poor class oppression. Nixon brought us the EPA and since then republicans have spent their time taking back all the programs democrats and a few republicans built for our society to equalize it's opportunities for all. For the last 50 years republicans have shown that they don't care about equality of opportunity nor do they care about the equality of our women in all the paradigms of society. The republican party has been working overtime to protect it's not so subtle forms of racism and sexism.
     So when I see or hear of anyone in my sphere supporting republicans or voting for them I cringe and give them a mouthful of explanation as to why they are wrong and then upon them arguing back to me that I am either wrong, without giving evidence as to how and why, or changing the subject I dismiss them from my life. I have no time for those who are willful tools of the oppressors and/or are too stubborn in their ignorance to allow for the facts of reality and logic to penetrate their mindsets. So after many years of writing my blog posts about the nature of the human species and how we are more than the worst we display, I changed to exposing republican politics for the nasty brutish effect it has on us while maintaining advantages and privileges beyond merit for themselves and the likewise wealthy.

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