Friday, August 17, 2018

A return to normal (#3486)

     What the republican party has done to our society and is still trying to do is destroy our modernity. In examples of just one area of our society, they don't want us to have safe food, clean water, clear skies, fertile soil. Instead they want to rampage over all the natural resources we have in search of more dollars for their wallets. Don't be confused either, they want the dollars for themselves, not for anyone else. So if you think this wild west strategy of theirs is some romantic nostalgic time from our past then yes, before we had enforceable laws and any kind of code of ethics, where your life depended on the luck of not being killed for your possessions and your family was vulnerable to kidnapping and other nefarious acts, then yes, the republican party is who you should vote for.
     There are a handful of people who are loud and boisterous in their declaration for the wild west scenario, yet they still have their modern conveniences. It is as if they don't rationalize that they are fighting against that which they themselves refuse to give up. I can only shake my head and parse out that they are not capable of understanding the illogic they so vociferously advocate. All I can do is point out their illogic, hypocrisy and the hatred that they continue to bleat. I don't waste my time on them anymore since like most all of us have found out, they will not understand anything beyond their own beliefs whether through lack of mental ability or sheer obstinance.
     Which is why I now only give of my time to those who are not them. There are moderate republicans who are disgusted with many of the current vile attributes of the leaders of the republican party and there are independents, who are dissatisfied republicans hiding out in the independent field or truly independent voters who have an independent streak and must be swayed to vote through rational analysis. These are the ones I focus my time on. They at least are not locked into some ideology that doesn't exist or is harsh and brutish. I can debate the merits of policies of modernity and enlightenment without having to exhaust my patience with ignorance in return. In other words I only engage those who can be engaged in an objective way with truths, facts and reality. No willful ignorance allowed!

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