Sunday, August 26, 2018

My dreams drive my reality (#3495)

     Oh what a crazy mixed bags of dreams I am still having throughout my life. From flying like a bird to um... more personal things. :) Yet they all center on my emotions. The thrill within my dreams is electrically charged. There is nothing quite like living with an edge of exhilaration in every act and thought. I suppose it is why when I was much younger and could still be a daredevil it felt natural and real. My dreams also effect my conscience in ways that define my character and personality. What values I take into my dreams seem to be magnified within them. I am a greater man while I am sleeping then when I am awake it seems. lol.
     Yet I am not such a bad guy in reality either so how much better am I when I dream? There will always be some darkness that enters my dreams and the fear I feel in them is almost exponentially administered. But like in reality, I do conquer my fears regardless of how much they wish to "freeze" me into inaction. I push back on the fear and fight it head on. So far I am victorious but if I fall off the top of a building again and wake up on the floor from my bed I hope I wake up each time like before because it isn't always a guarantee. I have been known to say that I had such a busy and physically draining dream that I needed to wake up just to get some rest. :)
     I don't know why we are a conscience species nor what our purpose is for being in existence but I do know what happens to me while I am here and it is remarkable in all it's manifestations. My dreams are as much if not more than fulfilling than my waking reality. Yet without my waking reality my dreams have no forum from which to exist. So both have the unique place in my life as determiners of who I am and what I become. I am driven by my dreams to expand my own waking cognitions and explore the depths of my ability to reason, analyze and conclude. Life is such a magnificent experience regardless of my struggles within it. My dreams take me places I can never go myself or ever accomplish in reality so let them continue to surprise me and keep my waking life young and vibrant despite my advancing age.

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