Thursday, August 2, 2018

We need the largest American turnout for voting in American history (#3471)

     If you are registered to vote, then in 96 days, come out and vote on November 6th. Do not shirk this time to excuses, just do it! There is no greater threat to our democracy than right now and if you think you are above it all or just too busy then you are flat wrong! Nothing and I mean nothing is more important than our vote this coming election. What is at stake is our ability to remain a democracy. The republican party has sold its soul to russia and it is in the process of remaking itself in russia's image. They, the republicans, have come to be convinced that the American people are sheep and will not care how or where we are led. Even if we the American people lift an eyebrow at what is going on the republican party will just lie through their teeth and many of us will believe them.
     Well I am no sheep and if you have been reading any of my posts you know this but there are too many who hate equality and too many who love greed that that republican message has too much appeal. For those republicans they are now excused from having to change their prejudicial and money grubbing values when republicans have the leadership. What is now obvious for all to see is no conspiracy theory it is the republican party's bald faced policy to value people as less or more depending on biased equations. Well for those many more of us who are registered to vote this is the time to vote to make sure republicans lose power everywhere and we can get back to promoting democracy over privilege and advantage.
    For us to win back our democracy every registered voter in our nation must vote this time. A 100% turnout is what this election deserves given the fork in the road we are now at. Either vote this time or likely lose it. It is that desperate for democracy in the face of treasonous trump and his russian alliance. Our nation will either remain a stalwart for democracy or we will fall into the realm of being just an authoritarian government run by a simpleton who thinks he is god. If you cannot find the time to vote this coming election then you are as evil as the republican party and not worthy of anything that democracy promises. So make sure you have the time and the wherewithal to vote and make sure you vote for democracy.

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