Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Clean out the house, senate and statehouses of republicans in 76 days (#3491)

     Well with what we are seeing with the Mueller investigation is the filth of crime just starting to be legally exposed about most all the republican party. Not only are republicans wrong on policies for the future of America, our allies and our planet but they are also criminal in their drive to control us and the power we have blindly given them. Well the lid is off the pot now and the indictments and pleas are cooking for all to see and smell. The only ones now who cannot nor will not see the despicable nature of the republican party and its leaders are the ones who have little to no humanity within their soul. They would support a serial killer if he was of their ilk. So the vast majority of the rest of us are now able to decide our coming vote based upon intelligence and the truth.
     What our nation needs is to cleanse itself of the republican political party who gambled that their treason and criminality would be swept under the rug. Well we didn't sweep it under the rug we exposed it for its sickening nature. There can be no dispensation from regular order when crimes have been committed especially from a high position of trust. Punishment must be meted out despite our feeling sorry for those who were marginally implicated. Crime of this nature does not allow us to just give them a stern warning and then let them hold their offices. They must be driven from the public arena with no uncertain determination.
     The only way to keep the integrity of our democracy intact is to make an example of the criminal republican party and their enablers. I am all for rehabilitation after an appropriate amount of practical time but retribution comes first and must always have the intent of deterrence at its core. We shall not and will not tolerate intentional criminal activity as it relates to our national and international democracy. The time has come now for all of us to keep our wits about us and get on the same page. We must remove all republicans who are up for election and further continue to remove them in the coming elections thereafter. The disgrace and dishonor republicans have made us endure is wretched and must be dealt with swiftly and harshly as it most assuredly deserves.

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