Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1 point loss in Ohio is still good news for our bluewave! (#3477)

     It was disheartening last night to lose such a close race in a gerrymandered republican district in Ohio but otherwise there is good news. First, this race will be run again in 90 days. Yes, just 3 months from now we'll be having this same election again. By losing with such a close margin there is optimism that this race can be won by the democrat in November. Secondly, this was a heavy republican district and we only lost by less than approximately 2000 votes. So the momentum for this coming election is not dwindling like republicans had hoped. In fact is is still maintaining it's force for democrats. In a district that trump carried by double digits, it barely hung on for republicans last night.
     We democrats have young smart and purposeful candidates running throughout the United States this November and with such animosity with the republican party for taking away working middle poor class policies we democrats are still positioned to take back the house and hopefully the senate. There are still pockets of trump loyalists out there especially when we focus on the gerrymandered districts they enacted, however their margins are growing smaller as our electorate's frustrations have increased. So even in what should have been a blowout win for republicans it was in doubt until the last hour. The angst our nation is feeling with trump and republicans is showing up each time we have a special election.
     There is still hard work to do and we must not count our chickens before they have hatched. We have learned this lesson mightily from 2016 and as such must keep pressing hard the advantage we have against republicans everywhere. The larger we can make our democratic wave the more we will be able to do after the election to not only control the idiocy of the trump junta but to put investigations in place that are not hampered and corrupted by the party that is being investigated. We must stop the republican agenda here at home and strengthen our dissolving relationships with our traditional allies. But just as important we must stop the collusion with Russia that most all the republican party seems to be affiliated.

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