Thursday, August 23, 2018

Democratic candidates need to be like Beto (#3492)

     The one main thing I have observed about the races in red districts and states is that the democratic candidate needs to get out among the voters and relentlessly, and I mean relentlessly work to connect with them. Much like Conor Lamb did in Pennsylvania and especially now like what Beto O'Rourke is doing in Texas. The non stop almost frenzied mission to visit every nook and cranny of the voting jurisdiction regardless of size is the first priority. Having a well honed message about who we are as democrats and what we want for our constituents is next. Then the delivery must be as sincere as the message is hopeful. We don't need to contrast so much with the standing republican opponent but reminding the electorate of what could be is enough to let the constituents contrast for themselves.
     It is not an easy task to be objective enough so that those who are listening to our message can connect the dots for themselves but that is precisely what we need to do. We can offer our vision of a better life for all Americans, the working middle poor class and yes, even the fair minded wealthy, in juxtaposition to what is currently the status quo. This is something Beto has made the leap to. He not only looks like a regular guy, but he is a regular guy so there is no phoniness about him. His passion to serve his constituents is undeniable and really a tribute to his having seen enough of citizens being under represented to make him want to change that. His likeable qualities are married to his vision for an America where we honor and respect not only ourselves but our neighbors and our allies.
     This roll up your sleeves candidate is willing to take charge of matters within his own life with a consistency that is a true example for all men and women to exemplify. There is nothing Beto stands for that would deny democratic ideals nor the fairness and justice of democratic principles. He is the vision of what our forefathers/mothers considered when they first glimpsed what the future could be like. If Texas elects Beto to the senate they will find that they have in him one of the finest human beings currently in public office who is willing to sacrifice his time and efforts to make their lives better. Isn't that what we all would hope for from our representatives?

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