Friday, August 3, 2018

trump and putin are in cohoots (#3472)

     When trump the younger said that the trumps don't need American banks because they have all the money they need we can be reasonably assured he was referring to Russian money. With all the trump bankruptcies it is also reasonable to assume that the money trump finally did get from the Russians was tied to certain actions being performed by trump. As we have seen trump did not renew the sanctions on Russia nor further place more sanctions for the acts the Russians perpetrated on his behalf in the 2016 election. I am just someone who is paying attention to all of this on a little more than casual pace and yet I see well enough to know that trump is being owned by the Russians.
     What we are also seeing is the republican party at large being controlled by the Russians as well. They will not use their majorities to thoroughly investigate in the Senate and House to uncover the truth about the trump and putin connection nor are they overly concerned by it. Of course they greatly benefit from having trump in the White House and it seems nothing short of trump murdering them will they try to remove him. So when this next election happens in 95 days you have to ask yourself are you an American or are you a Russian conspirator? Because it does boil down to that. The republican party has sought to undermine democracy and our allies by aligning with trump regardless of the evidence of the conspiracy.
     You may think your life is better under republican rule at all cost but what you are trading off is your freedom to be yourself. Once you give up your freedom to be yourself you will not get it back. If you vote for republicans in the next elections you are essentially turning your back on 242 years of American democracy so that trump and putin can run your lives as they see fit. Dictators are like that. They want to be admired and loved even at the threat of your death. You will no longer find that your merit and value is a factor. Only those who get on their knees and abdicate their freedom will be allowed to live any kind of life like the one before democracy was taken away. Cowards choose to live on their knees and if America has become a nation of cowards then we will be treated as such.

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