Saturday, August 4, 2018

Only 94 days left (#3473)

     Each and every day I will incorporate the closer we are getting to the midterm election in my posts. Why? Because I am excited to see the coming democratic bluewave. I know we are going to have one it will just be by what force it arrives. Will it be just a mediocre bluewave that doesn't change much at all or will it be a force unlike anything we have seen since 2010. It is my hope that it will be more like the election of 2010 but with democrats taking over Congress and not republicans. It is essential that we win not only the midterms this time but the next general election in 2020 so that we democrats can change the gerrymandered districts back to their more traditional shapes.
     We democrats may have lost out on the Supreme Court for now because of the dirty tricks and conspiracies republicans have employed but we can reverse the overall legislative power of our national government and many of our state governments as well. In time we can repair the damage done to the high court but we will suffer that one for at least a decade most likely. Those who manipulated our election and appointment processes need to be given their reckoning and as such it all begins in 94 days at the midterms on November 6th. Our candidates running in the democratic party are grassroots people who are uniquely qualified and sick and tired of the republican condescension of the working middle poor class.
     With superb candidates all across America we democrats have a really wonderful chance of unseating the corrupt and weak republican party in both the house and senate. In the following general election in 2020, it would also seem likely that we will end the disaster appointment of trump to our presidency. With democrats in charge of our national government in 2020, I can see a new beginning, much like what we had here in California. Where the citizens of America come first and foremost and the health and welfare of our nation and our traditional allies are back on a solid footing. In this little bit of time left before the midterms we need to make sure our voters get out and vote and that the undecided get the information that is honest and truthful so that they will also vote to end the nightmare that we democrats are fighting so hard to wake from.

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