Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The republican party will not stop the coming bluewave (#3490)

     I have thought about this long and hard. Everytime I have seen where republicans have stopped us Democrats from any momentum coming into an election has been when they were very strategic and creative with their lies. I don't see anyone in the republican party who fits that description anymore. Sure, they will try to be strategic and lie like hell but they are not creative enough to fool us this time. The intelligence factor has been squeezed out of them by the trumps and the Russian influence now being investigated. Anyone who was capable of stopping our bluewave is now on the sidelines just watching the coming tsunami of anger aimed at the republican party.
     Do not misinterpret me though. The republicans will try to sabotage the truth and create some false dichotomy while even possibly getting desperate enough to start a war somehow, but their blustery rhetoric will fall on deaf ears. The republican party is like the boy who cried wolf 15 times too often. The bellicose ramblings of trump and his delusional followers will not be enough of an enlightenment to sway us from our disgust with republicans. They have shown their true nature of not wanting to help the average American at all. They have shown instead that their only concern is for the wealthy and their new allies the Russian government. The reality of things is is that our bluewave is going to grow even stronger in force because the republican party refuses to acknowledge their own faults and obliviously continues to muck about in their own mess.
     So as republicans live in their false narrative bubble we need to let them and continue to build our bluewave from the ground up. We will survive the last two years of the republican onslaught even though they have damaged our federal institutions to the point of breaking. But in 77 days it will not continue and our bluewave election will hit with a ferocity that is equivalent to the anger they have ignited within our working middle poor class. We may not have the voter turnout we should have in our great free democratic society but the turnout will be much more than normal and with that our bluewave election will emerge. The republican party has shown itself and for the vast majority of us it has been found wanting and therefore must go!

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