Monday, August 6, 2018

Thankfully we have social media (#3475)

     The scary thought for me when trump was appointed was that he would somehow end the Internet. He has done some chipping away at it with his discarding net neutrality rules but in the bigger picture we still have our social media. Because social media gives all of us technology believers a chance to not only learn of all the news we can imagine but as well a way to fact check it. This is what a thriving and informed democracy does, it gives its citizens all the tools they need to make their lives modern and intelligent. In 92 days we will get to vote again and with that we can further secure our social media platforms with a vote for democrats.
     I feel like a stone has been lifted off the top of my head because we have survived the worst that trump and his republican bootlickers can do to us. There is still the supreme court nominee we need to stop if we can until after the coming election but that is dicey at best. Overall though we are not unarmed going into the coming election. We have our facts before us easily obtained and if questioned by the less informed we have bookmarked our responses. Even when the false narratives and actual lies of the republican machine kick in we will be able to easily defend against them. They will not catch us off guard like the did in 2016.
     Anything that would deprive us of information gathering is an attack on our democracy and must be treated as such. Anything that would lie and distort facts and truths are most likely coming from republicans and must be exposed and disseminated by we the people of America. I don't count on polling or wishful thinking to get us over the hump come election day, I count on voting. I also count on hammering republicans with the truth and destroying their lies with facts, not so much to convince republicans of their erroneous ways, but to cut them off from fooling undecided voters who are not as informed as they should otherwise be. Social media is a real factor in our ability to gain knowledge and enlightenment and anything that would suggest or promote as not should be harshly dealt with, with little compassion for the promoters.

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