Thursday, August 16, 2018

82 days until the midterm bluewave! (#3485)

     I do not feel too worried that the republican party can somehow turn our bluewave around. It has been building for well over a year with no sign of receding. As well is the ridiculous ineptitude of trump who as a rule continues to shoot republicans in the foot with his conniving statements and horrible policy initiatives. It is like the closer we get to the election the worse his attempts to harm us get. Well we are not afraid of his bellicose ramblings and are not intimidated by his tantrums. Yet that seems to be his strategy so far. Trying to put fear in us instead of moderating his positions. The old practice of somewhat acting like a human being around election time has completely been forgone by this current trump cabal.
     The rest of the republican party who will feel the force of the bluewave are scrambling and are unsure how to stand or not with trumps. Which makes it easier for our bluewave to gain momentum in the absence of a sensible unified defense. Many of us are leery of feeling overconfident about our bluewave but in this case I do feel at least confident that our bluewave will come crashing down on the republican party come election day. So instead of fretting about what late surprise the republican party has planned for us I keep vigilant to my tasks of rebutting republicans and building up democrats, while basking in the flow of our coming bluewave.
     I will not sit back and worry, no, I will smile and be happy that enough of us rational voters have finally awoken to our duty and responsibility to be stewards of our democracy. The only reason trumps and republicans have been successful is because they caught us democrats, independents and democracy loving republicans napping when we should have been standing guard. Well we are all standing guard now and no how no way is this current republican party going to maintain its power on our watch. As the trumps continue to do all the wrong things in defense of its democracy crushing policies we the American electorate are chomping at the bit to get to our day in the sun.

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