Tuesday, August 7, 2018

trump cannot get enough of himself (#3476)

     I have my favorite sports teams, movies, series shows on television that l watch and occasionally watch again. But l don't make a habit of recording myself, although I did once for a 5 second news interview, as a means to bathe in the glory of my image like what trump does. He records his rallies so he can watch them over and over again to fulfill some egotistical fantasy of himself.
     How far from the boundaries of normalcy is trump if he craves his own persona? Thankfully in 91 days we democrats will have successfully destroyed his belief that most Americans worship him. On the contrary, most of us Americans and the world at large despise him. He will then know the truth of things regardless of how he spins the facts. That he is already on the brink of spinning further out of control will only be increased once his narcissism crashes into reality.
     I am cautiously optimistic that we democrats and independents will change the horrifying status quo and show the world the reversing of the trump installation. What he may be able to do when he is eventually removed from power is to sit back in his privacy and watch reruns of the time he and his republican cohorts almost destroyed America. His mind is only good for one thing for him and in that fantasy world he does become a demigod, regardless of what the truth, facts and reality expose otherwise.

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