Thursday, August 9, 2018

Do not be deterred! (#3478)

     I know the fatalism I felt on November 8th, 2016. It was a really hard kick in the gut. Yet, as bad as I knew it was going to get it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We are still alive and for that matter still fighting back. We democrats have built a momentum that is still in force. We are winning some close races and losing some close races but the difference is that these close races are all in red or deep red special election districts. When it comes to defending our own blue districts we are winning by even larger than normal margins. So when I feel the crush of a defeat that shouldn't even have been an option for us I still come away convinced that we democrats are going to win on November 6th.
     Let the republicans gloat over their close wins in districts and states they should have won by landslides instead of squeaking them out. Let them think they are still on top with no one to contest them. Because when our bluewave hits them in 89 days they will be leveled like they have not been in decades. I would rather they be caught unawares or by surprise than for them to put all their dirty tricks into play when they know they are the underdog. I would rather have them patting themselves on the back for a job well done even if that is an illusion than them focusing on new ways to lie, cheat and steal our election going forward.
     So let us democrats, independents and "had enough" republicans just keep going about our business of getting more citizens registered and making sure that they have a way to the polls. It would also behoove us to make sure we are on the voting rolls as republicans are in constant motion to purge voting opportunities. We also know that the republicans are all for allowing Russia to interfere with our voting and this time we have to make sure our votes count correctly and nothing else. The only way to win back our sanity and our physical well being is to fight for it because republicans are not going to give us our national soul back when they can make money and retain power. Do not be deterred, we will defeat them when we all are engaged and ready to win as best we know how.

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