Sunday, April 7, 2019

576 days until we vote trump out! (#3719)

     When we get under 500 days it becomes more a reality than ever for me. After being part of so many elections in my life I have found that at 500 days the end comes up real fast. I suppose it is because the flurry of election activity begins in earnest. Yet this election cycle is even more real for me than any other election since nixon. The dire state of our democracy is at stake and with the information boom we have had in the last 2 decades the remedy is now more important than anything else in existence. Nothing is more important than all Americans voting this coming election. Nothing!
     Even putting off death in order to vote against trumps is worth the extra effort to not die. Every vote will count and none should shirk their duty to save our very democracy because that is what is at stake. The trumps must be defeated not only personally for the executive position but in the Congress and all across the statehood elections. The coming census in 2020 will be once again be allowed to allocate either democratic fairness or continued republican partisanship. We will not survive as a democracy if we cannot uproot the republican party form our governmental leadership roles. We are somewhat stuck with the many lifetime positions that republicans are currently ramming through against the will of the people but we can deal with those underhanded maneuverings when we democrats regain the power that was stolen from us over time.
     576 days to weather until we can let out a collective sigh and then turn to reversing the trump onslaught against enlightenment and modernity. Our national pride at being the melting pot of the world can then be restored to its prominence with dignity. I am so ashamed of who we are as Americans at the moment but in the short time it will take for the next election to come around will eliminate that shame within me and replace it with a dogged determination to never let such a filthy political republican party to hijack our minds, hearts, and souls again! Restoration to democracy is our battle cry and there are enough of us to make it so. 576 days left to fend off the deviousness and brutish cruelty that trumps feel they may pound down upon our heads.

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