Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The hypocrisy of society (#3715)

     What we are taught about right and wrong is not what we have to live with in the real world. It is amazing to me that we as youngsters are taught to live a virtuous life while the actually machinations of life are nearly the opposite. We are told that being honest and honorably principled is how we should be all the while we do not stop the con men and hucksters who keep taking for themselves at our expense. In fact the more one takes from others the better chance they have of not being held accountable for their crimes. So much so that the thieves on Wall Street are given a pass when they destroy lives and make huge profits on it. The real winners in life are showing themselves to be the biggest and most outlandish liars.
     So the disconnect between what we are taught as we grow up from adolescence to the fact of adult life is hypocritical. It is almost as if the illusion of an honorable and noble world is preferred over actually living one. My innocence was shattered early on when I thought that others would be like me and try to do the correct thing. What I found instead was that those who ignored the facts and truths of things often gained in prestige and financial success. I soon found out that those who screw over others better than others gained in popularity instead of in time in prison. Our societal culture likes to celebrate the bullies and thieves of the world more than we like to celebrate the honest and good.
     So how do we go about changing the disconnect between living a noble life and the reality of celebrating the criminals? The only way I know how to do that is to start electing democrats who are trying to bring equality to life instead of greed and lust for power. Once we can weed out the republican destroyers of democracy from our public offices then we can elect trustworthy lawmakers who have the respect to represent their constituents and appoint honest judges who uphold laws that fulfill the ideal of a true democracy evolving into a more perfect one. As it is now we are all getting to see a clear view of how NOT to function as a democracy. The current republican regime is about as close to how not to administer government for the people as we are ever likely to survive. So vote for democrats in every election going forward and we may then see what we were taught as children actually be as adults.

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