Saturday, April 6, 2019

My atheism keeps me clear headed (#3718)

     I know a lot of you need your religions for one or more reasons but not me. I am free of the belief system paradigm where someone is always trying to tell me that things need to be this way or that. I am the one who gets to decide which way I live my life and in the most foundational way the logic of me controlling my life is established. Now before you get geared up to tell me that my atheism is not moral I would remind you that I was born innocent and in that innocence I find my goodness and strength. I don't need to be told what is correct or incorrect, I already know that doing harm is not to be allowed in almost every situation. I know that caring for all of us, even those who are inevitably incurable harm causers is a goal to be attained.
     I know that despite my atheism I am the most knowledge seeker I have ever encountered. I know a lot of people who are much more knowledgeable and wise than myself but none that strives to learn more than I. I love learning and my heart loves to care. I have a wonderfully fulfilling life of curiosity and compassion and nothing about atheism diminishes that. In fact my atheism allows me to be comprehensive about what I learn without restriction or contradiction to myth, mores, and superstitions. I get to stick to logic and common sense and my determinations of reality. I reason, analyze, and conclude without any shackles based upon a system of faith. As unorthodox as it may seem to the devout belief system congregations, I find that having no belief system makes me much more real and in time with the space I inhabit.
     The Universe is an awesome and scary place for many and that alone is enough to get them to searching for a safe harbor of belief, yet not me. I have always felt fortunate to have survived in life and as such making the most of it is my goal. Regardless of the religiously stated repercussions of my atheism I am a stalwart sentinel of objectivity. That belief systems are just that, belief, not factual should tell you that although I respect all possible belief system thoughts about what may be they still remain only possible, not factual. In all considerations I have had so far in my years of living I have gathered that the idea that all of science, biology, physics and the rest of the study of air, water, dirt, and fire, is less than some hope for a sovereign deity. Which makes us less than the best of who we humans are and more like who we humans were. Here's a thought, we live in the present and the future, not the past.

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