Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Our blue wave outraised trump by nearly 4 times. (#3729)

     That trump raised 30 million for his reappointment to the presidency campaign is by itself enough to get our attention from a one quarter year total. But when compared to the 119 million raised by our many democratic candidates for president in a one quarter year makes trump's totals look much less significant, As well what is significant is that in the above same article, for those who gave to both sides of less than $200, only 13.2% gave to trump, while 34.3 of small donors gave to democrats. So not only is the our democratic side giving much more to win the election for president but many many more of us are just regular folks who are doing well to counteract the big donors of trump.
     So another indicator of our blue wave is confirmed from the fundraising of the last quarter. Not only are we democrats still engaged from the 2018 elections but we are much more likely to work hard for our candidates and then the nominee as ever. The one concern I had coming into the 2020 election was if we could sustain the incredible energy we displayed in 2018. As of now I am not as concerned about our energy and instead am well pleased with it. This coming election in 2020 is going to be the much needed correction from the discouraging and nearly democracy defeating election of 2016. We democrats are somewhat to blame for the result in 2016 because we didn't recognize the fevered and underhanded unscrupulousness of the republican party.
     But as far as blame can be given to us democrats, it is dwarfed by the manner and deed of the heinous republican party and their willful intent to subvert democracy and the will of the American people. No more will we democrats be caught out unawares with distractions and uncaring. We now know the worst that republicans can do and it has awakened us from our slumber and forged us to a new paradigm of a steely eyed patriot. The fact that our blue wave is rising and still coming is being reinforced everywhere. From new democratic registrations to vote to unchanging democratic affiliations over time. We see more citizens voting for democrats and older democrats remaining democrats while the republican party is not gaining many new converts and their base of older Americans continues to dwindle.

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