Tuesday, April 2, 2019

"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" (#3714)

     The trumps say that after they have dismantled existing health care coverage they will then give us coverage under their terms. While not telling us what their terms are. So like the headline above, from the character Wimpy, in the Popeye cartoon series, they want something from us without having to pay for it now. I don't know about you but it seems that every experience I have ever had with someone promising me something in the future for something they want from me now has not ended well for me. Truly I have given many the opportunity to make good on their initial offer but most always I never got back what was promised to me. Life can teach us many things and this is one of them, don't trust promises when the promiser is an unreliable conman.
     That the trumps think that we are gullible enough to fall for his "deal" is an affront to those of us who know better. Why on Earth would we give up something that benefits us for a promise of something else that is not defined? I have called trump a carnival barker since I have known about him and this is just an extension of that carnival barking. We already know that trumps hate health care coverage for all and they have been dead set to destroy Obamacare since its inception. So why on Earth would we believe that all of a sudden trumps would be willing to create a new health care law? I mean, come on, why on Earth would we believe it? I cannot think of any logical reason so I am persuaded that trump is just lying to us in order for us to believe him and let him take our health care coverage away.
     What I have learned in the capitalistic system is that you get the service and then pay for it. So if I am well satisfied with the service the payment is happily made. If the service is terrible then the payment is withheld until both parties to the agreement are satisfied. So why would I pay for something I haven't seen nor heard of before making my payment? I wouldn't and neither should anyone else with have a mind toward contract negotiation. So what trumps should do is get his promised health care law passed into law and then disband Obamacare as unnecessary. Not the other way around. Because most all of us don't trust trump to keep his word is just further evidence that he will most probably not keep his word and then call us all fools for trusting him.

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