Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hatred simmers in the pot of poverty and the wealthy don't care (#3736)

     When the many are forced to live in conditions that are far less than fair then the inner strife within our massive lower class citizenry exposes itself through hatred. While the wealthy are hogging all the benefits of a civilized society the poverty stricken are left with little to rail against that is effective. So turning in on ourselves seems to be our release. That we do is perfect for the wealthy as they all along have had a strategy of making us blame ourselves for our lot in life when that is not the truth. The wealthy are the ones who are responsible for our poverty and its devastating effects. They don't care however since we are simpletons in that we don't hold them responsible.
     The wealthy figure that if their greed is working and it makes them even happier why change? Even if it would help billions of people worldwide. They are immune to compassion for others since those who didn't necessarily inherit their wealth had to be socio/psychopathic about gaining their economic success. Which in their minds was earned by them no matter the lack of morality and/or ethics involved. So if we think that the condescending wealthy will solve our problems then we are incapable of objective logical thought on this subject. The only way to make our society more fair is to grasp the mantle of leadership for the masses and institute policies that engender honest merit while equally caring for all of our citizenry.
     This isn't rocket science despite the complexity of our problems. The republican party is the party of the wealthy and as I have pointed out they only care for their donors. The democratic party is the party of the masses and in putting democrats back into control of our government we can then bend the arc of justice back toward all Americans, not just toward the wealthy. The only way the wealthy will fall back from their greedy ways is if democrats completely control our national government and as many state governments as possible. If we don't do this then the hatred born from poverty will not go away and lives who otherwise might be fulfilling will likely cease to exist due to the cost of having hatred simmer over and over.

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