Friday, April 12, 2019

Tick tock, waiting for the next election... (#3724)

     What do we do during these dogs days of waiting to change our government administration? We fortify ourselves with information about why we need change and not so much build up our anger. Because when the time comes for the deciding who to vote for we have to have facts at our disposal and not only our emotion. Sure we need to be fired up but our fired up state has to have a logical reason for it. We can't just hate for the sake of hating. Unlike what republican voters seem to embrace. That is why they will not attract many new converts to their side as it is based upon segregation and disrespect. But we cannot sit back and allow ourselves a false sense of hope because we think the many will likely choose our side.
     We have to prepare as if we are going into a debate. Where we have our facts and logical sequencing of them in a comprehensive order but also anticipate what the republicans will claim and be ready to debunk them. The only way we can prepare for any such lie or confusion republicans will present is to know all our arguments well and understand the needs of our democratic society. The republican party is not that difficult to figure out these days as they want their survival of the fittest white nationalist government and continue with advantage and privilege provisions that always favor them. So we have to not only know our American history but our reasoning for the foundation of our democracy.
     America was and still is the melting pot of the world and nothing republicans do can change that fact. We came from all over the planet to build our society here and for republicans to now deny that we are the amalgamation of that great migration toward a better life is their linchpin argument toward their white race longing. Our forefathers/mothers fought for our right to govern ourselves under democracy and every war we have had since our inception, either correctly or incorrectly, has been based upon protecting our democracy from those foreign enemies who would conquer us. Yet even now we have a domestic movement within the whole of the republican party that is aligning themselves with the foreign forces who are still trying to end our democratic growth. So lets build our knowledge for the day not much more than 570 days from now when we all go to vote for the next chapter of our democracy or if we are not successful, the end of our democracy.

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