Sunday, April 21, 2019

Approximately 62% of trumps appointed presidency is over. (#3733)

     Since trump was appointed to the presidency by the electoral college, since he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, effective November 8th 2016, he has already wreaked havoc for 894 days. Which means he has only 562 more days to continue to harass and embarrass we Americans. I have to keep reminding myself of how much more we have left so that I can pace myself. I am an older American so therefore for me to be wishing 562 days were already behind me is rather selfless on my part because what is more important to me than my time alive is saving our democracy. I would forfeit that 562 days from my life without a second thought if tomorrow it would put us on election day November 3rd. 2020.
     So to me at least we are on the downhill slide from the appointed trump era and with the help of the 2018 election we also have a firm grip on what trump cannot do legally through legislation. All off his executive orders will most likely be reversed by what damage has been caused in the interim will be our cost for allowing him and his ilk to rough up our democracy for 4 years. The only way to sufficiently wipe the slate clean of trumps and his enablers is for our blue wave to hit republicans so hard that there are few in any left standing. That way we can begin to legislate in ways that strengthen our democracy and investigate in both the Senate and House those who would have hijacked our future for their own greedy gain.
     These last 562 days will be hell and then the last the last 78 days of the transfer of the presidency will see some flurry of ineffective activity but regardless the end is in sight. For those rich and powerful who think trump still has a chance to win a second term I say to them that if that is what they think they will also be caught out unawares by our blue wave and my hope for them is that they spend their money on backing what they see as a trump future and then have it all come crashing down on them November 3rd. 2020. The only silver lining I see in all this that is/was trump is that we know who are worst citizenry are since they have all come out from under their rocks to boast about their champion trump and his view for a purging of all we melting potters who are not like his idealization of a hitleresque future.

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