Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The putrid state of republican politics (#3735)

     If many of you lifelong republican voters are still republican then you are not a normal person. Normal persons don't vote for people who hate other people. Normal people mind if a treasonous act to subvert our democracy has occurred with their republican candidate. Normal people don't vote for cheating, lying, and stealing con men just because they are republicans. Normal people care about facts and truths and are willing to research those facts and truths to make sure they are correct. Non Normal people don't check to see if facts and truths are correct but instead just let other republicans tell them what to think.
     If you can live with the smell of death that the republican party is telling you is the smell of blooming roses then you are not normal. In fact you are so far less than normal that it makes you look not only foolish but abhorrent. The idea that you consistent voters of republicans are immune to reality just because you have this sense of knowing it all without having to do the due diligence of actually knowing it all is borderline insanity. Measuring your perspective by how closely you can align with the republican rhetoric coming from the much less than cerebral limbaughs and hannitys of the world is indicative of you not having a mind of your own but a shock collar of obedience around your neck.
     The objective weight of the world is coming down on your head but you take it as an attack against your ingrained righteous privilege to be better than others. Your ego is bruised but that isn't because you were/are wrong it is because the rest of us are jealous of your magnificence . Personally you republican voters are nothing more than a waste of space since you are not part of the best of what humanity is or strives to be. In fact you represent what is wrong with humanity and with every breath you take you continue to reinforce it. I don't know what it will take for you to come out of your cocoon and see the panoramic world like it truly is or if you ever will. I however, will just keep seeing all that is going on around me and give my allegiance to enlightenment, human kindness, and the logical reality it exists within.

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