Thursday, April 25, 2019

trump is a symptom of the disease we Americans breed (#3737)

     We Americans are not as good as we think we are. First we let our democracy come under attack by a borderline socio/psychopath and his politically strong republican party. Second we spend more time expecting things to come our way the way we want and less time making ourselves better. Third we condescend to anything that is not as divine as we believe regardless of the myths, mores, and superstitions the beliefs are based upon. Fourth the fear in our nation for those who are not just like us, whatever the crap that is, is overwhelming and purely racist. We white American humans are the most spoiled child like beings that have ever existed in time and space yet nearly none of us is willing to accept that truth.
     So for a cad like trump to end up as our appointed leader speaks more about who we are than what he is. Unfortunately, both are lacking in many areas of our lives a redeeming quality that would otherwise be expected from what we see from ourselves. We live in some fantasy world much like trump and although it is madness that he is actually called our president it is appropriate considering that we are not far from exemplifying his reflection. We got what we deserved in essence and although the many of us did not want him, there were far more of us who didn't even bother to vote because apparently our democracy is not important enough to participate in for about half an hour every two years.
     I really thought before the 2016 election that we Americans were primed to reach great heights with our political will of liberal politics. Yet the fear in our nation of whatever republicans can scare up at the moment was too great for us to overcome. Our national weakness was exposed and trump scurried into office. We now have a supreme court that is going to run roughshod over our constitution and nothing much in the way of will can stop it. It is our due for not caring about the democracy so many have died and suffered to bring us. I am ashamed and will be so for all the rest of my life for what is the swirling sound of our nation being flushed down to the depths of depravity and hatred. We Americans own this and nothing about it is worthy of honor or respect.

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