Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Keeping my humor during these trying times (#3721)

     I used to be that guy who would make a joke of just about everything when I was growing up. Needless to say I was popular with a couple of people and dismissed by many many more. Yet as I began to temper my joke making "talent" I found that I wasn't as happy about who I was. Yet it was the price I had to pay to be serious every now and then through example. Not that I wasn't serious through my jokester efforts but for those who didn't know me it appeared to them I was just a flippant pig. How we all deal with things in our lives is the measure of what works and if something works yet is totally misunderstood well that is the price we pay for surviving.
     Not everything in life is peaches and cream. Well actually very little in life is peaches and cream so again, whatever works to keep the insanity at bay. As I have gotten much older though I still find it necessary to invoke humor as a response to what the republican party and the trumps are doing to most all of us. If I said what a really wanted in response to their words and acts I would have been imprisoned, tortured, and put down about a million times over. So instead of being honest I go with humor and try to be as dry, witty and oblique as I can be while poking a fiery hot blunt stick into their metaphorical eye. :)
     Humor also has the effect of calming me down and changing my emotional temperament away from my obvious disgust with whatever ridiculously, callous, and painful objective the republican trumps are devising for our next real life suffering. If I can make a joke about it while being sarcastic and satirical then my cynicism won't overwhelm me. I need what works for me to actuate my survival and this tool of mine from my childhood is getting it's just due. Soon in a few short months we should be about done with trumps and republicans so much so that I can go back to being humorous just for the sake of humor and not using it as a tool so that I won't do something stupid in a fit of consternation and anger!

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